FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 852

Well, there is nothing to do below 1970, support was strong at 2145, but the interesting levels are all up, 23-25, the upper boundary of 35 is far beyond the clouds)
I have a good feeling about this, but I think we will see.)
expiry on Friday, on the new contract and we'll see=)

Expiration on the 9th, my son)

"the first Friday after the first Wednesday."


Expiration on the 9th, my son)

"the first Friday after the first Wednesday."

that's what i meant before expiry there's nothing to do in the market =) booze =))))))))))))))))

today i'm going to heat the cottage and build a bathhouse.... we have to fill the pool with water (=wouldn't want the well to freeze.......


That's what I meant by no one doing anything in the market until expiry =) booze =))))))))))))))))

today i'm going to heat the cottage and build a bathhouse.... i also need to fill the pool with water (=.......

Come on)

happy holidays)


Happy LIFE to all !!!!!!!!!!!!


Happy LIFE to all !!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year what? )))
Happy New Year what? )))
Professor, that's not what I meant.)
Professor, that's not what I mean)
it's with a medium term reversal =)
Professor, that's not what I meant.)
Eura's bleeping or not bleeping? )))
Euro binging or not binging? )))

I'll be buying the Eura between 2070 and 1970. If they give it to me. But after the New Year anyway. So will the pound.