FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 741

On energy clouds (whispering) )))

Is this a joke? I've never come across such a concept.

If it's a secret, I won't ask any more questions.


Take the levels here

discussion here for starters


questions can be asked there too)

Thanks for the links!

I've visited this thread before, read, downloaded those burettes from ftp. Tried to figure out the history in the terminal. But I have not found where to find the advantage for trading. I will try to reread it again


If you haven't lost interest in the subject of financial markets in 8 years, let it be hard.

Z.I. The video is interesting

I have a different approach. You have to see what you see, I do not. I have to build my own theory, and the levels, lines, etc. have to be personal - and then develop TA. If you have tested it, it works, and you start earning. (I have not even looked at anything that does not belong to me).
I have a different approach, you have to see what you see, I don't. You have to build your own theory, and the levels, lines, etc. should be your own - and this is what the TA is based on. If you have tested it, it works, and you start earning. (I have not even looked at someone else's orders.)
Teacher, is it someone else's on the CME or not?
Teacher, is it someone else's on the SME or not?
Of course it's someone else's.
Of course it's someone else's.
It doesn't help me in the trade. (and neither will you.)
it doesn't help me in the trade. (and neither will you.)
I've been laughing at you for a couple of weeks now)))))
I have a different approach, I need to see what you see, I don't. I have to build my own theory, and the levels, lines, etc. should be personal - and from this I have TA. If you have tested it, it works, and you start earning. (I have not even looked at anything that does not belong to me).

It's understandable to develop one's own. And it is in tune with my thoughts. And it is clear that one picks a strategy to suit one's temperament.

One can jump into a deal and in 1-5 minutes jump out of the deal based on some ideas. I cannot do it that way. I am more of a positioner. I may hold a deal for a few days, a week.

Gone for a beer ))))