FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 710


Maybe you're right about the yen, but I don't watch its insides, so I don't know.

Again with the daisy...

did i sell out of the blue and put a limit on it?

and recently bought one as well?

Fuller looked at it for the sake of interest....


Well, tiki so...

What's everybody standing around listening to the GDP? Yeah)

Again with the chamomile...

did I sell out of the blue and put a limit on it?

and recently bought one?

I watched Fuller for the sake of interest...

I don't watch Fuller, I've talked to him, he's as twisted as a pig's dick and as muddy as the Teacher's speeches)))

I mean, those pictures he's drawing there are bullshit.

Good afternoon! What happened to the ruble? Who does not have a blocked card with Sberbank? Or have they just blocked my card because of large sums .... Check your card if someone has Sber.
I don't see any blocking, but there is no information on the cards, there is an update on the website, help lines don't work. The last time I withdrew cash was December 15 (debit, credit available)

Don't watch Fuller, I've talked to him, he's as twisted as a pig's dick and as muddy as the Master's speeches)))

I mean, it's bullshit, the pictures he draws there.

here we go again with the sarcasm and the 39 p. will be on the bai...
I don't see a blockage, but no card information, on the website update... (debit, credit cards available)
April, and you gave the money to someone?)
I don't see a blockage, but no card information, on the website update... (debit, credit cards available)
I'm also overdrawn...
Here we go again with the sarcasm, and 39p will be on the bai base...
So I'm not saying anything, just such "I sold while I bought" moves )))) Ilya, maybe it's time for you to take the place of our elderly guru? ))))
April, and you gave the money to someone?)
There's a pension...)
who has a pension, all chirping like a shotgun...