FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 706


Hi all, how can I find out which strategy the trader I'm getting signals from works with?

I have the opportunity to display his closed positions on a chart and take a visual look at the system, and then as much as you can imagine)
It is possible to chart his closed positions and take a visual look at the system, and then as much as you can imagine)

It won't do any good.

What are you in the cold for?)


It won't do any good.

What are you in the cold for?)

Why is it useless? If you work with one order, you will not understand the system.

Strange, throw me a link to that foreign site that shows session times and current times.
Strange, throw me a link to that foreign site that shows session and current times.
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Изображение Биржевых часов 24h и дизайн сайта являются объектами авторского права. Запрещается копирование, распространение (в том числе путем копирования на другие сайты и ресурсы в Интернете). Любое использование информации и объектов сайта является противоправным.
Why is nothing going to happen? If you work with one order you will not understand the system of course.

two ))))

No, not that one. The bourgeois one, where there is just a table with times and sessions

two )))

Oh Sensei, I thought you had already left us. You're alive.)))

What's with all the panicking on the charts?)))

Why are we letting our hands go and buying?) I told you support was 2258, 2208)

No, not that one. The bourgeois one with just a time table and sessions.
I don't know that one. Give me a hint.)
Oh Sensei, I thought you had already left us. You're alive.)
Yeah, so he's got the moose. Or he leaked. Maybe he's dead.......