FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 475

I must have done something to offend Master....
Why do I have to play thimbles with you? (I don't need to)
Why should I play thimbles with you? (i don't need it)

I'm not playing with you, oh Most, Most)))

What's my fault if you didn't want to sell euros yesterday?

People didn't want gold either, well, they made a mistake, it happens to everybody, they don't spit)))

why do I have to play thimbles with you? (I don't need it.)

I wish I could at least show the balance, I'm falling asleep already.... i don't know if i should or shouldn't listen to fischer.

I should've had a beer...


He's got a good buy in.

what could be the problem? liquidity?
They always leave breadcrumbs behind. It's noticeable and can be used. I do)))
Zhenya !

No buy signal yet ?

Thank you !
what could be the problem? liquidity?
On Eurobucks with liquidity? Sensei, come on, what problems are there? But gaps can be a problem)))))

I'm not playing with you, oh Most, Most)))

What's my fault if you didn't want to sell euros yesterday?

People didn't want gold either, well, they made a mistake, it happens to everybody, they don't spit)))

I bought and sold yesterday and i posted a screenshot.
On eurobucks with LIKE? Sensei, come on, what problems are there? But there could be problems with gaps)))))
I also think it's OK - let it sit )))) wait for a tailwind ))))

It's not supposed to feel like one. As usual. The crowd should start doubting that the trend is still going down when the process is already in full swing backwards.

200 and a few pips since 3.10. The money's lying there. Just lying there, not working.

Is this about the Eurochka ?
Thanks !

I wish I could at least show the balance, I'm falling asleep already.... i don't know if i should or shouldn't listen to fischer.

i should have had a beer...

why do you need the balance demo?