FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 453

And not just levels. There are fairly accurate trajectory trackers, fractalniks. Science does not stand still. But I look at them like a cat on a cabbage.

Call me Calculator )))

I don't understand what the finesse is to show a 20 pt moose, I caught it on the yen (((( (he's building himself some perfection - a troll ))))))))) he is a troll))))))))))))

Orion at the start. No idea when or where it will fly )

Is the link right? What's there to see? I have a lot of lines like that as well, and they are much more accurate than extrema. My market model is accurate enough. What's your point?
That if you do not see something - it's not my problem. And where to be with my forecasting skills is none of your business. Accessible?

Orion on launch. It is not clear when or where it will go.)

Launch postponed:The launch of the US Orion spacecraft has been delayed by a day for technical reasons

Preparing to fly to Mars. )

Запуск американского космического корабля Orion отложен на сутки по техническим причинам
Запуск американского космического корабля Orion отложен на сутки по техническим причинам
  • 2014.12.04
Старт экспериментального космического корабля Orion по техническим причинам перенесён на 24 часа. Новое ориентировочное время запуска летательного аппарата с мыса Канаверал - 5 декабря,13:05 по мск . Разработка пилотируемого летательного аппарата Orion началась в США в середине 2000-х годов в рамках программы «Созвездие». Он специально...
I don't understand what he's got to show a 20pp loss, I caught it on the yen (((( (he is a troll ))))))))) - he is a troll ))))))))))))).
Well, he believes in manual trading, in stops, takeovers and all sorts of volumes )))) Well, you're welcome. The reality will always be what you believe in )))) And the fact that I decided not to program corrections is my business and my strategy ))))
On kiwibax, I'm going to buy bay to 7850 if there's a bounce.
Not in time-opera..............

I didn't talk much about the corners either.

By the number of bars.

This is the pound, the same 45 corners and a couple of channel corners clamping the price

and I'd get myself one of those programs...
I would have bought a programme like this ...
I would too :-(
I would too :-(
where is the picture from?