FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 216


What about Eidler, too? It was Friday night, so I closed. Look for silver around 16.71.

You didn't take the moon from the bottom?

Yeah, neither did Eidler. I do not have silver and gold on my real account - my deposit does not allow it........... I play in DC when I have the mood.

I abolished tracking of the moon.... I do not remember why....... - it's because WPR600 lies in the basement in the middle of the range. But on the channel the moon really fought off nicely, I don't exclude that it will be clamped by a triangle and there will be another opportunity.


Not on the pound. Not in the Jew. I look at it now and am amazed: where I could have taken 100 pips or more, I almost lost a third of the deposit. I mean, I lost it. Now it is only on the rise.

But the good news is that I have survived only thanks to stops. If I traded as I did before, when I was young, or as Speculator is now, I would have lost my trousers.

However, a forfeit does not tolerate too much risk.

(I opened with lots too big, trying to jump in a running train).


Summary: gentlemen, use your stops. The stop is your friend. Honestly, when I see a picture of a trade without a stop it gives me the creeps.

All trading is done from the stop, first the level, then you figure out where the stop is, then the trade, but why am I.... it's not customary here))))

Current situation:

If anyone texts me, I'll reply in 1.5 hours.

Ruined my whole weekend with that fucking Friday. I cursed myself with the last words, caught my wife's sizzling stare.

So much for the sweetheart deal. I got emotional like a teenager.

But now the mood improves.



Current situation:

The euro has gone up and the professor is lost)
The Euro is up and the Professor is lost)

To hell with the eura. It's been a real nerve-wracker lately. I don't know if it's going up or not. But I'm not going to fuck it up yet. We'll see if it grows back.

I will switch to other pairs for a while.

The euro went up and the professor got lost)
the euro was too quick, there is still a move for him )))) the pound should go up.... )))

new old scenario - sell limit 2470 (20 pips on short stops)))) of course the 26th is close - but I think it will not work (somebody sold a good one - the stop is far away) of the 22nd will work - the stop will be in bu ))))))) (so it seems )


The day is over and as this account is for intraday trading, all orders were covered, so it was a Monday