FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 81

There is an elk on the chiff.
There's a moose on the chif.
You said you bought it. I don't get it...
they write articles here for a fee..... you saw the link, Strange showed it to you. so, make the money....
I can't write! It's not my thing. I don't want to get myself in trouble.
I can't write! It's not my thing. I don't want to get myself in trouble.
Bummer, what can I say...
You said you bought it. I don't get it...
Sold the quid.
sold the buckshot.
I'll send you a message. I'll tell you the rest
someone is getting a lot of abuse on the cada. well, it's a sawbuck....
2014.11.05 17:18:29.828 '190627': order #136862283 sell 0.1 USDCHF at 0.96543 was modified -> sl: 0.96713 tp: 0.00000

There's a moose.
More succinctly )))) all having fun?