Spammers, private message spam, discussion spam, feedback spam - page 17

Server Muradasilov:
The "complain about spam, advertising" button in private messages has long been requested

The complain button in private messages is not easy to create, it takes a team of programmers more than one night.)

Therefore, it is easier to write your complaints here).

Профиль трейдера
Akshay B Chandh
Akshay B Chandh
Профиль трейдера

Got the same spam about "50% a month".

Banned the spammer for a month.


Both have already been deleted.

Sergey Golubev:

Both have already been deleted.

At least they got perpetual links on the forum ? ))
We should take away their advertising links on the forum too.
Vladislav Andruschenko:
At least they got eternal links on the forum ? ))
We should take away their advertising links in the forum too.

It's in the private ones, which are not public.
And there are no profiles anymore.

Sergey Golubev:

It's in the private messages, which are not public.
And the profiles are no longer there.

But they are still on the forum :-)

message above and above

Спамеры, спам в личных сообщения, спам в обсуждениях, спам в отзывах
Спамеры, спам в личных сообщения, спам в обсуждениях, спам в отзывах
  • 2019.03.16
Общее обсуждение: Спамеры, спам в личных сообщения, спам в обсуждениях, спам в отзывах
Vladislav Andruschenko:

But they are still on the forum :-)

message above and above

And all because they sometimes do not readthe rules:


Same thing from a different nickname: