Spammers, private message spam, discussion spam, feedback spam - page 7

The text of this spam comes from different nicknames so you need to do a ban button in private messages and ban such .
The text of this spam comes from different nicknames so you need to do a button ban in private messages and ban such .
And further, if the number of such local bans the same nickname in private messages from different users in the aggregate will exceed a predetermined limit, then automatically send a request to the administration to send this gentleman to the sauna in the quality of an Ethiopian.

Andrey Barinov (Wahoo) and cosmos70

2 minutes ago

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And further, if the number of such local bans the same nickname in private messages from different users in aggregate will exceed some predetermined limit, then automatically send a request to the administration for sending this gentleman to sauna in the quality of an Ethiopian.

How about banning those who receive spam?

Then the spam would go away on its own.

I don't get spam for one simple reason -- I don't pay attention to it.

p.s. Judging by the current thread, it looks like the same people are still complaining about spam.


How about banning those who receive spam?

Then the spam would go away on its own.

I don't get spam for one simple reason -- I don't pay attention to it.

p.s. Judging by the current thread, it looks like the same people are always complaining about spam.

You're gonna get sick of it someday - what are you gonna do?
Someday he's gonna get you -- what are you gonna do?

How often does spam have to arrive before a spammer gets sick of it?

Spam goes to the mail (if there are several mailboxes, then to each mailbox), spam goes to my personal account, spam goes periodically on the forum -- spam goes in the form of reactlama everywhere and from everywhere.

So what are you suggesting -- just from the PM -- to fetch this spam -- move it to a separate thread -- make it up -- delete the links -- and post it?

Don't you have anything else to do?

p.s. If some people like to dig in the bin, take out the trash, show it to everybody and be proud of how cool I am as a garbage man, you're welcome.


How often does spam have to arrive before a spammer gets sick of it?

Spam comes in the mail (if there are several mailboxes, then each mailbox), spam comes in the private line, spam is periodically spammed on the forum -- spam goes in the form of reactlama everywhere and from everywhere.

So what are you suggesting -- just from the PM -- to fetch this spam -- move it to a separate thread -- make it up -- delete the links -- and post it?

Don't you have anything else to do?

p.s. If some people like to dig in the bin, take out the trash, show it to everybody and be proud of how cool I am, then, ok.

It's up to everyone. I just look at the applicant's comments and decide. There are no particular problems. Sometimes I make a mistake. So I remove the candidate from my friends. And there are no particular problems for me.

As I understand it - most do about the same. But those who chase the number of friends - they are at a dead end. Although I may be wrong.


It's up to everyone to decide. I just look at the applicant's comments and decide. I don't have much of a problem. Sometimes I make a mistake. So I remove the candidate from my friends. And there are no particular problems for me.

As I understand it - most do about the same. But those who chase the number of friends - they are at a dead end. Although I may be wrong.

Like many on the site, I'm not chasing the number of friends, so I'm not at a dead end in that respect.

I suppose for the lack of a button to contact a moderator about spamming in person, another moderator created this thread. Including, I think, as one of the barriers to the unscrupulous competition flourishing here and to prevent potential and actual community members and/or clients from being scared off by an abundance of spam in the style of the visiting bazaar barker-voiced salesmen.

But I certainly don't get pleasure or pride in posting here information about "miracle"-"grails"/systems/signals spamming me in my inbox, and I don't get any and unlikely will get any.

Neither, I suppose, will the rest of the posters.

And about simple removal from friends - so spammers, probably, from it "...neither hot nor cold...".

But yes, posting information about spammers in a dedicated public thread, it's kind of a bummer though.

P./S.: Many people on this forum have their own interests, but none the less they don't stoop and are unlikely to stoop to spamming private messages.

For example, I can hardly imagine you, Artem, Andrey (abolk), whatever he says here, and many, many others spamming in private here.

By the way, yes, the invariably-vulnerable Andrey (abolk) correctly pointed out that practically the same people write here in the thread (including me). Suspicious.


Like many people on this site I don't chase the number of my friends, so I don't stand in a limbo in this respect.

I suppose for lack of a button to contact the moderator about spam in person, another moderator created this thread. Including, I think, as one of the barriers to the flourishing of unfair competition here, and to prevent potential community members and/or clients from being scared away by an abundance of spam in the style of the visiting bazaar barker-voiced whoremongers.

But I certainly don't get pleasure or pride in posting here information about "miracle"-"grails"/systems/signals spamming me in my inbox, and I don't get any and unlikely will get any.

Neither, I suppose, will the rest of the posters.

And about simple removal from friends - so spammers, probably, from it "...neither hot nor cold...".

But yes, posting information about spammers in a dedicated public thread is a bit of a stretch.

P./S.: Many people here on this forum have their own interests, but nevertheless they don't stoop and are unlikely to stoop to spamming in private.

For example, I can't imagine you, Artem, Andrey (abolk), whatever he says here, and many, many others spamming in private here.

By the way, yes, the invariably-vulnerable Andrew (abolk) correctly pointed out that practically the same people write here in the thread (including me). Suspicious.

Spammers need to make "friends" first. If you're not serious about it. Then of course - you get spam.

We are completely redesigning the chat system.

We will improve its usability by an order of magnitude and also solve the problem of spam.