How many pips does a profitable EA earn per day and a successful trader - page 12

I know which manual work will never be replaced by a robot, but I won't say...)
Yeah, I think the Japanese made one of those... saw it at a show somewhere...
I think the Japanese have made one of these... I saw it at a trade show somewhere...
interesting exhibitions, though...)

Looking at my signal now - I have another question

How many points does a losing EA lose a day, and how many points does a losing trader lose? :)

I will wait for the release of my next forecast, I will analyze it and then I will make a decision.

Happy trading!

A robot will never replace manual trading, using an Expert Advisor you have to analyze the chart together with it

I don't get it, why not let the EA analyse the chart?

I have yet to see a single TS that cannot be automated. Which means that there is no trade that cannot be run by a robot. It is a question of convenience. The development of an Expert Advisor on a complex TS is not an easy job, and many people are too lazy to bother even with formalizing the rules of their own TS, let alone create an Expert Advisor based on it ?


... I don't understand, why not let the EA analyse the chart?

I have yet to see a single TS that cannot be automated. So there is no trade that cannot be done by a robot. It is a question of convenience. The development of an Expert Advisor with a complex TS is not an easy thing, and many people are too lazy to bother even with formalizing the rules of their own TS, much less create an EA based on it?

In my personal experience I can tell you that I am not afraid of emotions, but I am afraid of intuition, and this is a big minus. From my personal experience I can say that no EA/robot cannot replace an experienced trader. Perhaps a combination of a trader and the capabilities of an EA is the best solution.

Also, let's not touch the plants.



is the minimum possible change in priceHence

, what are the points for? - To measure price movement = (close - open). You can define it by the letter L.

You can also use points to measure the distance of a price movement in a trade. Let's define it by the letter S.

As for the trader's efficiency we need (S/L)*100 - we obtain the percentage of price movement the trader takes by his trades.

I believe there is no other way to measure trader's efficiency in pips .

Пункт - Словарь биржевого сленга - Энциклопедии & Словари
  • М. Р. Фасмер
5-го июля 1890 г. я прибыл на пароходе в г. Николаевск, один из самых восточных пунктов нашего отечества. Чехов, Остров Сахалин. Впереди

The Expert Advisor has no emotions and this is a plus - but there is no intuition and this is a big minus. From my personal experience I can say that no Expert Advisor/Robot is a substitute for an experienced trader. Probably the combination of a trader with the EA's capabilities is the best solution.

As many times as I've seen "intuition solutions" it is always a way to ruin.

In trading, there should be NO "intuition". Only strict adherence to the TS. If the TS stops working - it should be replaced (modified). And again - only TC rules must be followed.

For example, the recent practically irreversible fall of Eurodollar - how many threads were shouting that "now one can enter bai" - and no intuition helped anyone. If the TS which predicted a buy simply "caught a loss", the "intuition" that predicted a buy, as I see, led to the loss of a significant part of the deposit for many people.

No, I became convinced a long time ago. Everything that can be formalised can (and should) be entrusted to a robot. And everything that has "intuition" - should not even be in trading.

Пункт - Словарь биржевого сленга - Энциклопедии & Словари
  • М. R. Fasmer
On the 5th July 1890 I arrived by ferry to Nikolaevsk, one of the easternmost points of our Fatherland. Chekhov, Sakhalin Island. Ahead

Interesting approach, to use the definition fromthe Little Academic Dictionary' .

Maybe take this: Paragraph`Economic Dictionary `(lat. plinctum - point) -1) minimum value of the fluctuation of the price, rate or index, in the quotation of U.S. securities line item is $ 1 for a share or bond worth $ 100, in the quotation of foreign exchange and commodity - one percent; 2) article in the contract.

No matter how many "intuitive solutions" I've seen, it's always the way to the bottom.

In Trading, there should be NO "intuition". Only strict adherence to the TS. If the TS stops working - it should be replaced (modified). And again - only TC rules must be followed.

For example, the recent practically irreversible fall of Eurodollar - how many threads were shouting that "now one can enter bai" - and no intuition helped anyone. If the TS which predicted a buy simply "caught a loss", the "intuition" that predicted a buy, as I see, led to the loss of a significant part of the deposit for many people.

No, I became convinced a long time ago. Everything that can be formalised can (and should) be entrusted to a robot. And everything that has an "intuition" - shouldn't be in trading.

As for the trader, I do not judge, but what prevents me from concluding that intuition does not work properly or in the wrong direction in some people (those who fail). Perhaps this is the result of herd instinct, but if so why not take it into account when making decisions. And without a herd instinct not working, how do you know what the public wants? That said, considering the fact that most people lose.

If you "can and should" do it, then I am happy for you.


Interesting approach, to use the definition from theLittle Academic Dictionary

Maybe take this one: Point`Economic Dictionary`(Latin plinctum - point) -1) the minimum amount of variation in the price, rate or index; in the quotation of U.S. securities point equals $ 1 for a share or bond worth $ 100, in the quotation of currency and commodities - one percent; 2) the article in the contract.
You're paying attention to the wrong thing, it seems to me. You would do better to comment on the formula.