Fractal theory

There is an opinion that the market is a fractal structure. The opinion is justified because everything in the world is a fractal structure, including our brain, which ultimately generates the market. The fractal is self-similar, i.e. the fractal consists of some piece repeated many times with definite regularity. There are formulas that can draw anything with the help of fractals, even a human face. If there are formulas to generate a drawing, then the drawing can be restored back to the formula but how to do it? If the market is fractal, it can be transformed into a formula and do whatever you want with it. The question is, does anyone know how to convert a fractal pattern back to a formula?

My vision, learning outcomes, etc. - The market is the result of people's emotions. Is it possible to create conditions to repeat what happened before - it is not possible, because everything changes and it is not possible to organise everything again in any way. Only one thing repeats itself - everyone who is ruled by emotions loses. I remember what Tracy said. If a buyer says that he bought it based on logic, it means that he bought it because he had more emotional investment.

We have to assume that the market is about to occur (the transfer of funds from one hand to another) - and we have to find out in advance with analysis of volume and price movements.

I have digressed from your question - but I think it is better to proceed from what I wrote above. Maybe I'm wrong.




1 There is an opinion that the market is a fractal structure. The opinion is justified because everything in the world is a fractal structure, including our brain, which ultimately generates the market. The fractal is self-similar, i.e. the fractal consists of some piece repeated many times with definite regularity. There are formulas that can draw anything with the help of fractals, even a human face. If there are formulas to generate a drawing, then the drawing can be restored back to the formula but how to do it? If the market is fractal, it can be transformed into a formula and do whatever you want with it.

2 Question, does anyone know how to convert a fractal pattern back to a formula?

2 There are a wagonload of them, for example.
Вычисление фрактальной размерности Минковского для плоского изображения
Вычисление фрактальной размерности Минковского для плоского изображения
Доброго времени суток читатель. Сегодняшний пост будет посвящен вычислению приближенного значения фрактальной размерности плоского изображения, которая тесно связано с размерности Минковского. Это интересно как минимум по двум причинам. Во-первых оказывается, что размерность ограниченного множества в метрическом пространстве может быть не...

1 There is an opinion that the market is a fractal structure. The opinion is justified because everything in the world is a fractal structure, including our brain, which ultimately generates the market. The fractal is self-similar, i.e. the fractal consists of some piece repeated many times with definite regularity. There are formulas that can draw anything with the help of fractals, even a human face. If there are formulas to generate a drawing, then the drawing can be restored back to the formula but how to do it? If the market is fractal, it can be transformed into a formula and do whatever you want with it.

2 Question, does anyone know how to convert a fractal pattern back to a formula?

1 I missed something in this life again.

Who has researched the development of fractals over time?

2 There's a wagonload of them, for example.
Thanks for the links, I'll see what's available.

1 Something I've missed again in this life.

Who has researched the development of fractals over time?

How do I know who has). In fact any fractal evolves over time, whatever way you look at it. The market is the same structure, time is just an illusion in this matter. The size-amplitude, duration may change over time, but not the underlying structure.

The Mandelbrodt set is at the heart of the structure of the fractal.

Development over time - tree growth, human development, scientific and technological progress... There are lots of examples.

Only it seems to me that if the market is a fractal (let's say a tree), then we are like ants on it... we can understand its nature, but we can influence it somehow... Alas.

I think this theory is not applicable here.

What do you think is the "basic structure"?
I want to find out. At first I thought it was a tick, but a tick clearly doesn't fit, because there is nothing to change in it except the probability of reversal. And any probability other than 50% will generate a trend in one direction. so the probability of reversal is also constantly changing over time.
want to find out. At first I thought it was a tick, but a tick clearly doesn't fit, because there is nothing to change in it except the probability of reversal. And any probability other than 50% will produce a trend in one direction. so the probability of reversal is also constantly changing over time.
There has to be something that doesn't change. Maybe the basis is the 5-3 structure from wave theory, I'm still trying to understand.

Calculating fractal dimensionality is not the same at all. Here is the very first example I found: a cat drawn by fractals. Obviously, in order to draw it, some simple element was used and then the formula according to which this element evolves in space and time. There is a similar situation in the market. We have a drawing, suppose it is drawn by a machine using formulas using some simple element that changes according to some law in time, if we find this element and calculate the law then we can generate the original form of the past graph with a given accuracy and then generate further developments.


The Mandelbrodt set is at the heart of the structure of the fractal.

Development over time - tree growth, human development, scientific and technological progress... There are lots of examples.

Only it seems to me that if the market is a fractal (let's say a tree), then we are like ants on it... we can understand its nature, but we can influence it somehow... Alas.

I think this theory is not applicable here.

The structure of a fractal is based on self-similar sets. The universal equation y=[x/a]*[a/x], where [ ] is a sign denoting the integer part of a number.

Mandelbrot introduced the term, but was neither the first nor the only one.

The development in time is sort of there. Who did the counting? Just off the top of my head - Koch curve (Koch snowflake), Levy, Minkowski, Hilbert, the Dragon curve (Harter-Heitway fractal), Peano - all are pure geometry. Time is not taken into account. By nobody.

Apart from that. Fractals are self-similar. And the market? And if you play around with the time scale? (I don't have the answers to that).