A simple and perfect model of the structure of securities markets - page 4


Dear Mr. Robo!

Since2011 you have been trying to make an ordinarytradersuccessful, you share your profitable systems without any "impositions".

As for the beginning, it wasdouble-trading, now it isElliott Waves, and you have not been asked to connect your account to monitoring, but you do not want to.) If you have atrading account connected to monitoring - nothing will happen (the world's financial system will not collapse).

And here it turns out - that you are an accomplice of various casinos (I wonder how much money people have missed on your handouts from thegrail).

PS. I beg you once again - connect the account to the monitoring


What about a shape that is dynamic. Here you are, take any chart and try to mark it correctly according to Elliot. And you will understand that if you can't. Only practice and only practice gives the experience to see the waves as they are in the model. The automaton cannot follow a constantly changing waveform. The same cycle in a circle may jump more than 3 times from one frequency to another. This is something the automaton does not see, but the eye does. Anyway, it's up to you, if you don't like the topic, the door is open, get busy with something more interesting.

The voice from ignore...

If there is a "model", then there is a formalisation of the task, hence the task is amenable to automation. For more complex tasks there is simulation modelling.

Who says an algorithm can't keep track of a changing waveform? it can.

And if I say that "the same cycle in a circle can jump more than 0 times from one frequency to another", I would be right too. So the informative value of such a statement = 0.

The human eye is not capable of perceiving at frequencies greater than 50Hz, which is why you don't see the flicker of an electric lamp, a TV screen (24Hz) etc... but there are cameras for shooting at 100Hz, 300Hz... So much for automatic cameras...

Go and study, not start your demagoguery here.


So. We have dealt with impulse waves (vibrations) and which 4th wave cannot go beyond the peak of the 1st wave.

Now let's look at vibrations where this rule can be broken.

Let's talk about diagonal triangles - final and initial.


Diagonal triangles (Diagonal Triangles)

Adiagonal (sloping*) triangle is a driving model, though not yet a momentum,

Diagonal triangles

substitute for impulses at certain points in the wave structure. As in an impulse, no

counteracting sub-wave (composite wave level less*) rolls back more than the size of the previous active sub-wave here and the third sub-wave is never the shortest. However, diagonal triangles are the only five-wave structures developing in the direction of the main move in which wave 4

almost always enters (overlaps) the price territory of wave 1. In rare cases

diagonal triangle may end in a truncation, although in our experience the size of such truncations is minimal.

What Elliott says about this, quote from Prekter's book:

1. "Ending triangle (Ending Diagonal)"

An Ending Triangle is a particular type of wave (vibration) which develops mainly in place of a fifth wave when the previous movement (wave 3*) has gone "too far and too fast", as Elliott put it. A very small percentage of terminal triangles appear in place of wave C in A-B-C structures. In double and triple triples, they appear only as the last wave C. In all cases, they are found in thefinal components of the model one wave higher, showing the depletion of the strength of movement in this senior wave level.

Final triangles take the form of a wedge between two converging lines and each of their composite sub-waves, including waves 1, 3, and 5, is subdivided into a "triplet", which in other cases is a corrective wave feature. The final triangle is illustrated in figures 1 and 2 and is shown in its typical position in impulse waves of the upper wave level.

When diagonal triangles are formed in place of wave 5 or C, they take on a

3-3-3-3-3 structure (all sub-waves are "triplets", i.e., they themselves consist of three waves*), as

described by Elliott.

2. "Leading Diagonal"

A variation of this model sometimes appears in place of wave 1 of the impulse and wave A of the zigzag. The sign of the overlap of waves 1 and 4 and the convergence of the forming lines in the form of a wedge remain the same as in the final triangle. However, the subdivision into waves is different, drawing the model 5-3-5-3-5.

The structure of this model (see Figure 3) is consistent with the spirit of the Law of Waves in that thefive-wave sub-waves in the direction of the wave level above communicate a "continuation" of the movement, as opposed to the sense of an "end" to the movement carried bythe three-wave sub-waves of the final triangle. The analyst should be aware of this pattern so as not to confuse it with the much more common development of waves, a sequence of first and second waves (different wave levels*).

We have finished with the triangles, later we will specify some more things that we will need for the mark-up and we will start to practice the mark-up little by little. ) Identify possible entry points, as well as different tricks to manipulate capital and risks.)


Dear Mr. Robo!

Since2011 you have been trying to make an ordinarytradersuccessful, you share your profitable systems without any "impositions".

As for the beginning, it wasdouble-trading, now it isElliott Waves, and you have not been asked to connect your account to monitoring, but you do not want to.) If you have atrading account connected to monitoring - nothing will happen (the world's financial system will not collapse).

And here it turns out - that you are an accomplice of various casinos (I wonder how much money people have missed on your handouts from thegrail).

PS. I beg you once again - plug the bill to monitor

Correction. Not trying, and have already done jointly. all who have since engaged in business and not whining, succeeded in doubles so much that even surpassed me several times and I have learned a lot from them, as they have from me. It's more than 20 people who live off the subject and make 50 to a few thousand percent a year. But there are those who continue to whine about whether 300% a year is not enough for them))). ) Mouths are all different and everyone will never be satisfied. ) You do not understand their motives.

They may have had their masters, but they do not want to learn. They don't want to learn.


In practice, the principle of alternation and similarity also comes in handy.


The indication of alternation is very broad in its application and warns the

the analyst to always assume some difference in the next manifestation of a similar wave.

Hamilton Bolton (Hamilton Bolton) said:

"The writer (R. N. Elliott*) is not convinced that interleaving is inevitable in models of

wave models of large structures, but there are a sufficient number of frequent

cases to suggest that they should be looked for, not the other way round."

While interleaving does not say exactly what will happen, it does provide a valuable warning of what not to expect and is therefore useful to keep in mind when analysing wave structure and assessing future opportunities.

What does this alternation consist of?

In impulse waves it manifests itself as an alternation of stretches. For example, the 3rd wave of an impulse tries to surpass the distance traveled by the 1st wave. Also, if wave 2 was fast, then wave 4 tries to surpass wave 2 in time and usually flows into a triangle.


Often wave 5 tries to be similar to or greater than wave 1 in the distance travelled, provided wave 3 has outperformed wave 1. If wave 1 and wave 3 are as similar as possible in terms of distance travelled, then wave 5 is very likely to be a stretch (greater than waves 1 and 3).

The rules of alternation and similarity are not the last resort, but can help in marking out and identifying waves on the chart. So to speak, a pretty good additional tool when marking out.


Interesting topic, I'll keep an eye on it, I'm just trying to develop a wave counting model, similar to waves but slightly different.

I'd like to see more explanations, everything will come in handy when trading.

I don't know why there are so many negative comments, since for me it is very interesting to follow the development of the situation in real time.

I do not understand why there are so many negative comments and little discussion.

On the subject of automation. Yes, absolutely everything can be automated, in theory. In practice, robots have not yet replaced drivers, although huge sums of money are being invested in it. What's to say, a robot cannot read captcha, and here they are writing about waves. You have to create an algorithm that is really complicated for everything to work automatically, and before that you have to understand how you do it yourself, which is also very difficult. So, not everything can be automated in practice, especially not being able to maintain an institute that develops artificial intelligence.

Interesting topic, I'll keep an eye on it, I'm just trying to develop a wave counting model, similar to waves but slightly different.

I'd like to see more explanations, everything will come in handy when trading.

I don't know why there are so many negative comments, since for me it is very interesting to follow the development of the situation in real time.

I do not understand why there are so many negative comments and little discussion.

I am doing exactly that, in the beginning the cream of the crop was put out, and now I am putting out the explanations that are most useful in practice. Knowing is one thing, but how to apply it in practice is another. The main difficulty is knowing how to count these very vibrations. Explanations of how to do it, step by step, I lay out. )


and post screenshots of your successes, then more people will be interested, and it is interesting for me to see how the situation is developing.

And as for those interested. For example, you. saw a zest and got interested. For example you saw a twist and got interested. It's not a very good idea to persuade someone.)

Regarding automation. Yes, absolutely everything can be automated, in theory. In practice, robots have not yet replaced drivers, although huge sums of money are being invested in it. What can I say, a robot cannot read captcha, and here they are writing about waves. You have to create an algorithm that is really complicated for everything to work automatically, and before that you have to understand how you do it yourself, which is also very difficult. So, not everything can be automated in practice, especially not being able to maintain an institute that develops artificial intelligence.

))) I agree, about automation. You can automate the psychology. For example, you make a decision, give the semi-automatic machine a signal to enter the trade and then it will lead it and close it. The biggest psychological problems occur exactly in the trading process, not when entering the position. This is the problem that can be solved by the semi-automatic assistant. )