There are ideas for a profitable advisor - page 2


We don't believe you.

We need honest customers who make compromises and agree to interact within the services of this site.

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I personally have paid money from my own pocket to programmers who cheated by making an EA based on our strategy, and submitting it at a much higher price, so I have little faith in it, but what can I do? We do not pay money for work that is not complete. Proven by experience.
I personally paid money out of my own pocket to programmers who cheated by making an EA based on our strategy and submitting it at a much higher price, so I don't have much confidence either, but what to do? We do not pay money for work that is not complete. Proven by experience.
I've read the link you sent me, there are a lot of things that bother me, and I'm sure you will ask too much and not guarantee that you will do what I need, and I will have to pay. ))))) We are not happy with that.
I personally paid money out of my own pocket to programmers who cheated by making an EA based on our strategy and submitting it at a much higher price, so I don't have much confidence either, but what to do? We do not pay money for work that is not complete. Proven by experience.
That's the reason we suggest you use the service of this site. Welcome to the most transparent schemes of mutually beneficial cooperation in the company MetaQuotes>>> Freelance.
I read the link you referred me to but I'm not satisfied with many things, and I'm sure you will ask too much and will not guarantee that you will do what I need, but I will have to pay. ))))) We're not happy with that.

This is not the case. If the assignment is not completed, no payment will be made.

Read it carefully:

I offer to pay for the creation and completion of this EA, every week that it earns. i will start by putting in $100 of 1% every monday yours!
$1 a week or 1% of the remaining amount?
However, it's Friday)) Signed up.

This is not the case. If the assignment is not completed, no payment will be made.

Read it carefully:

  1. If, during the execution of an Order, a dispute arises between the Customer and the Developer that cannot be resolved without involving a third party, either party may apply to arbitration.
  2. Disputes are settled on the basis of the Requirements Specification and the system comments on the confirmation of each step.
  3. If necessary, outside experts may be engaged and additional materials may be requested in order to obtain a more complete picture. The decision of such a necessity is taken by the resource administration.
  4. The discussion of the arbitration situation and the decision is made directly in the relevant Application.
  5. The arbitration decision is final for the Customer and the Contractor.
  6. The arbitration can make one of three decisions:
    1. Complete the work in favor of the Developer - 100% of the blocked amount is deducted from the Customer's account; 95% of the amount is credited to the Developer's account and the service fee is 5%. The work is assigned to the category Completed and only the Developer can leave feedback on the work.
    2. Cancel the job in favour of the Customer - 5% of the blocked amount is deducted from the Customer's account and the remaining 95% is released; nothing is added to the Provider's account, the service fee is 5%. The work is returned to the category "New" and is available for selecting a new Provider; only the Customer can leave feedback on the work.
    3. The blame should be laid on both sides and the money should be split in half - 50% of the blocked amount should be written off from the Customer's account and the remaining 50% should be released; the Developer receives 45% of the agreement amount and the Service's commission is 5%. The work returns to the category "New" and is available for selecting a new Provider. Feedback on the work can be left by both sides - the Provider and the Customer.

I lose money anyway and you talk about trust))))))) No we are not happy with that. In any case, any person can be negotiated with, all your life can't suck)))))))

1 dollar a week or 1% of the balance?
1 dollar is yours. For the first week, more for the second, depending on the market.
One dollar is yours. For the first week, more for the second, depending on the market.

That's a serious amount of money and a lot of responsibility for that kind of money. I'll have to think about it.

And may I ask how much are pies in your area?


That's a serious amount of money and a lot of responsibility for that kind of money. I'll have to think about it.

And may I ask how much are the pies in your area?

It seems ridiculous at first)))))) but after 3 weeks it won't seem ridiculous when a dollar will be dripping from every account + a full-time job! We do not force, and offer, the choice is always there.If you want you can email me on skype gvsgpoups