Suggestions for promoting the MT5 platform to the masses - page 34

Alexey Volchanskiy:
You can, from the command line. There is a good thread on this topic on the Roboforex forum, look it up if you need it. I think they even managed to attach the help there.
If I remember correctly, this topic is as old as mammoth and has to do with a separate compiler. Once there were 3 main files, few people do not know it, thermanal, unitor and MetaLang.exe This article seems to explain how to connect this MetaLang.exe to NP++ to be able to compile immediately without switching to unitor.
Alexey Viktorov:
If I remember correctly, this topic is as old as mammoth and is related to a separate compiler. There used to be 3 main files, which few people don't know, thermanal, unitor and MetaLang.exe This article seems to explain how to connect this MetaLang.exe to NP++ so that you could compile directly without switching to unitor.

Not available separately at the moment, but compilation from the command line is possible. Editor-Help-Development-Compile

Here is a short summary of

Compiling from the command line

The MetaEditor executable can be used as a compiler when working with the source code in external editors. The compiler is started from the command line, specifying the path and name of the file that should be compiled:

  • metaeditor.exe /compile:"<full path to source file>"
  • metaeditor64.exe /compile:"<full path to source file>".


"C:\Program Files\TradingPlatform\metaeditor64.exe"/compile: "C:\Program Files\TradingPlatform\MQL5\Scripts\myscript.mq5"

Mass Compilation of Files in a Catalog

You can perform mass compilation by specifying a directory path instead of a file path. In this case, all source files in the specified folder will be compiled; subfolders are not considered.

If there is already a compiled version for the source file, no recompilation will be made.

In the example below, compilation will be carried out for \MQL5\Scripts directory


"C:\Program Files\TradingPlatform\metaeditor64.exe"/compile: "C:\Program Files\TradingPlatform\MQL5\Scripts"

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Explained. Economically - not a razzo, for the 1% of users. But you and I can do without it. Let's say with Notepad++ - the highlighting is OK there.

Someone wrote that it's possible to hook a compiler there. But I'm not sure.

I meant highlighting of variable values, like it is in Terminal for graphical objects... Notepad++ can't do that...

It seems to be a simple and obvious thing even for the simplest child debuggers, but here the MC somehow could not master.... And at that they speak about OOP and all sorts of three-dimensional things, of course, it all doesn't look serious with such a retarded debugger...


I meant highlighting of variable values, as it is in the terminal for graphical objects... Notepad++ can't do that...

It seems to be a simple and obvious thing even for the simplest debuggers of children's level, but for some reason they haven't mastered it.... And all this talk about OOP and all sorts of three-dimensional things, it certainly doesn't look serious when you have such a backward debugger...

Why do you keep repeating nonsense about highlighting? Editor has great highlighting of all code + intelligences.

The debugger is good too, although the output of variable values under the cursor is long overdue. Calling it retarded is an impertinence.

Renat Fatkhullin:

Why do you keep repeating nonsense about highlighting? The editor has excellent highlighting of all code + intelligences.

The debugger is good too, although the output of variable values under the cursor is long overdue. Calling it retarded is an impertinence.

I've been dreaming about it since the first day of debugging in mql4. At that time I haven't opened mql5 yet and did not know about the debugging. But I didn't think to ask, I didn't want to hear something like "Don't you want a stoner?"
Alexey Viktorov:
I've been dreaming about it since the first day of debugging in mql4. At that time I haven't opened mql5 yet and didn't know about the debugging. But I didn't think to ask, I didn't want to hear something like "Don't you want some uruk?"

We'll do it soon, along with a big redesign of the editor and the inclusion of projects in it.

I don't have the resources for everything at once, unfortunately.

Renat Fatkhullin:

1. The editor has excellent highlighting of all code + intelligences.

2. the debugger is also good, although the output of variable values under the cursor is long overdue. To call it retarded is an impertinence.

1) Which highlighting are we talking about? I don't have anything but brackets highlighted in the editor.

2) I was speaking about highlighting of variable values when I was speaking about highlighting. Without it this debugger cannot be called professional whatever one wants, I apologize a lot, although I may be wrong and there are other opinions.

Regarding settings of the editor's appearance, everything is also very poor, if not to say miserable, compared to the same nautpad++ and other similar text editors. Even the option to wrap text is missing, which is the case even with an old-fashioned notebook and the simplest editors.


1. which highlighting are we talking about? I have nothing but brackets highlighted in the editor.

2) I was speaking about highlighting of variables when I said about highlighting. Without it such a debugger cannot be called professional whatever one wants, I apologize a lot, although I may be wrong and there are other opinions.

As for the editor's appearance settings, everything is also very poor, if not to say miserable, compared to the same nautpad++ and other similar text editors. Even the option to wrap text is missing, which is the case even with an old-fashioned notebook and the simplest editors.

Prove it with a screenshot.
Renat Fatkhullin:
Prove it with a screenshot.
Prove what exactly, I'm sorry, and in what mode should I take a screenshot? Only the brackets are highlighted, I don't see any other options to highlight anything else. I don't see this option in the settings either.
What exactly to prove, excuse me, and in which mode to take a screenshot? Only the brackets are highlighted, I don't see any other options to highlight anything else. I don't see that option in the settings either.
Then go to the ban for sketching.