Suggestions for promoting the MT5 platform to the masses - page 28

Not in MT4 but at brokers.
There are no restrictions on professional accounts.
Renat Akhtyamov:
There are no restrictions on accounts of a professional nature.
That's what I'm talking about.
Alexey Viktorov:
That's because you've been smoking the wrong stuff... Or maybe you didn't smoke at all. Why don't you try mushrooms? Then you'll be able to "figure it out"...

I'm still smoking.) Just ................................. people not understandable began to visit the forum, and not understandable, because, such pearls that begin to doubt the knowledge of this world ...........

Brokers kindly limit the order frequency of transactions - it was like this, but MT5 terminal, and the logs do not say anything about it .......

It would be nice if it were possible to create closed branches, where only invited participants could discuss the topic. We could develop constructive ideas there, make plans for joint projects, and solve problems together.

The topic of suggestions to promote MT5 deserves a closed thread, because unfortunately there is no substantive discussion on the topic. It's a shame...
Реter Konow:
Yes, you are right about the importance of thought and strategy in the competition, but we were originally talking about a different kind of competition. We meant the comparison of the capabilities of the platforms with equal talents and experience of the participants (if it is possible), but now you are transferring the conversation to another plane - the competition of talents, experience and vision. This is already a different type of competition. It brings out the characteristics of the participants, not the platforms and languages.

So your point is not entirely correct.


Example for comparison:

The same racer on the same track will drive two models of the same car twice, an old car and a revolutionary new car. Let's say he decides to compete against himself. Same seniority, same experience, same talent.

The question is, will both models have the same times and other indicators?
I'm a realist. Where are you going to get participants who are identical in talent and experience? Life would be different, and we are talking about a real competition, not a science experiment.
Evgeny Belyaev:
In MT4 there is already a limit on the maximum number of orders.
Well yes, from a hundred or more, depending on the brokerage company and the account. But MT4/5 has nothing to do with it.
Not the same. For a TS with more than 2 orders at a time, there is no easy transition anymore... In this sense obviously MT4 is more versatile and functional than MT5, i.e. by laws of market and progress sooner or later MT5 will degenerate into MT4... The process is already underway, we are already adding orders gradually... It just takes time until Metakvot's marketers figure it out, and until then everyone will be fiddling with two almost equivalent architectures...
What two more warrants, what are you talking about?
Реter Konow:
It would be nice if you could create closed threads, where the discussion led only invited participants. We could develop constructive ideas there, make plans for joint projects and solve problems together.

The topic of suggestions to promote MT5 deserves a closed thread, because unfortunately there is no substantive discussion on the topic. It's a shame...

I support the discussion with two hands.

The result looks different in my interpretation, but the result is the same:

1. the future author of the branch applies to the methaquotes for the opening of such a branch

2. if they get it, they will be entitled to moderate it.

As a result, the actual author of the thread has invited some people to discuss the topic.

PS. How many of these threads I would have opened.

Alexey Volchanskiy:
What two more orders, what are you talking about?
One to one side and one to the other, not counting the pending orders. And before, there was only one to one side. :)
СанСаныч Фоменко:

I support it with two hands.

In my interpretation, it looks different, but the result is the same:

1. the prospective author of a branch applies to the methaquotes to open such a branch.

2. if they get it, they will be entitled to moderate it.

As a result, the actual author of the thread has invited some people to discuss the topic.

PS. How many of these threads I would have opened...

In principle, such threads do not need anything other than moderators.

Let's say a moderator accepts a list of participants invited to his thread from the topicstarter. Posts others, he just does not display. Solution.