Suggestions for promoting the MT5 platform to the masses - page 26

Реter Konow:
Naturally ban!!!)) (Just kidding).

In fact, the progers on the five are more professional, so it would even be a bit boring... The result is obvious)).
A strange statement. So, a person who writes for MT5 is a pro, but has to write for MT4 he immediately becomes a poor coder?

I think that those who write for mt5, in fact, most of them already know mql4 inside out.
Are you saying that those who have just come and decided to study mql5 - are they a priori more professional than those who have gone a long way from the birth of mql4 to its merger with mql5?

Here's a simple example: to become a professional driver, you need to immediately get behind the wheel of a modern car!
After all, according to you, the one who has been driving an old car for 30 years is a priori loser next to the young driver of daddy's expensive car.

And so it turns out...
Artyom Trishkin:
This is a strange statement. So, a person who is writing for mt5 is a pro, but when I have to write for mt4 he immediately becomes a non-coder?

I think that those who write for mt5, in fact, most of them already know mql4 inside out.
Are you saying that those who have just come here and decided to study mql5 - are they more professional than those who have gone a long way from the birth of mql4 to its merger with mql5?

Here's a simple example: to become a professional driver, you need to immediately get behind the wheel of a modern car!
After all, according to you, the one who has been driving an old car for 30 years is a priori loser next to the young driver of daddy's expensive car.

And so it turns out...

I'm constantly smiling at this distinction between MQL4 and MQL5 programmers. My friends, the language is one and the same, the trading API is different, and there are some minor differences in API. That's all, there are no more differences!

If instead of MQL5 there was some F#, I would have understood it, completely different worlds. But in here... everything is local, native.

Well, I'm going to put mine here as well. So, my complaints to MT5 and, by the way, to the latest innovations in MT4 are as follows - there are too many unnecessary features, which are wasting machine resources and network traffic. For example, I would need the most: a) datafeed; b) a connection channel to a trade server. That's it. However, I understand, that it would be sacrilege to even mention here the possibility of switching off bells'n'whistles when necessary, and therefore I suggest to consider my statement as something like vox in deserto... :)))

Renat wrote about resources here

Новая версия платформы MetaTrader 5 build 1525: Представление истории в виде позиций и улучшение тестера
Новая версия платформы MetaTrader 5 build 1525: Представление истории в виде позиций и улучшение тестера
Новая версия платформы MetaTrader 5 build 1525: Представление истории в виде позиций и улучшение тестера В пятницу 27 января 2017 года будет опубли...
Artyom Trishkin:
That is a strange statement. So, a person who writes for mt5 is a pro, but has to write for mt4 - he immediately becomes a poor coder?

I think that those who write for mt5, in fact, most of them already know mql4 inside out.
Are you saying that those who have just come here and decided to study mql5 - are they more professional than those who have gone a long way from the birth of mql4 to its merger with mql5?

Here is a simple example: to become a professional driver, you need to immediately get behind the wheel of a modern car!
After all, according to you, the one who has been driving an old car for 30 years is a priori loser next to the young driver of daddy's expensive car.

So it turns out...
Well, what can I say - you've got a lot of iron logic.)

I meant the competition between progamers of equal experience, not between the newcomers in MQL5 and the "old guys" in MQL4.

The thing is that when choosing a car for the contest, a smart and professional driver wouldn't drive an old Zhiguli just because he was a driver for 30 years. If he has a choice, I think he'd prefer a Mercedes. He will recollect how he used to daydream about it while driving a jiguli...).
Those who will be racing an old domestic car will not be over the moon.

Driver who drive a Mercedes is definitely more professional than his colleague with the same experience, because his experience is enriched by familiarity with driving a foreign car.

So, in race of professionals with 30-year experience in Mercedes and Zhiguli, who will win and why?

If there are progamers who have never worked on a four, but have the same experience as their rivals from four, they will win anyway, there are more resources to win on their platform and its characteristics are higher.

Conclusion - the new always beats the old. That's why life goes on...)

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I'm constantly smiling at this distinction between MQL4 and MQL5 programmers. My friends, the language is one and the same, the trading API is different, and there are some minor differences in API. That's all, there are no more differences!

Even the API can easily be converted to universal functions that equally work in all platforms. After that, EAs look absolutely the same for all platforms.

Реter Konow:
Well, what can I say - you've been crushed by iron logic.))

I meant the competition between progamers of equal experience, not between the newcomers in MQL5 and the "old guys" in MQL4.

The thing is that when choosing a car for the contest, a smart and professional driver wouldn't drive an old Zhiguli just because he was a driver for 30 years. If he has a choice, I think he'd prefer a Mercedes. He will recollect how he used to daydream about it while driving a jiguli...).
Those who will get an older domestic car for the competition will not be over the moon.

Driver who drive a Mercedes is definitely more professional than his colleague with the same experience, because his experience is enriched by familiarity with driving a foreign car.

So, in race of professionals with 30-year experience in Mercedes and Zhiguli, who will win and why?

If there are progamers who have never worked on a four, but have the same experience as their rivals from four, they will win anyway, there are more resources to win on their platform and its characteristics are higher.

Conclusion - the new always beats the old. That is why life goes on...)

The race will surely be won by Mercedes, i.e. iron, and the contest by strategy, i.e. thought. The comparison is not very correct.

Now let's imagine that strategy on MT4 wins. Can you imagine what g***wave would rise against MT5? That's why MKs will never go to such a contest.

Do you think there are such progamers?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

The race will probably be won by the Merc, i.e. the iron, the contest by the strategy, i.e. the thought. The comparison is not very valid.

Now let's imagine that strategy wins on MT4. Can you imagine what g***wave would rise against MT5? That's why MKs will never go to such a contest.

Do you think there are any such progessors?

Yes, you are right about the importance of thought and strategy in the competition, but we were originally talking about a different kind of competition. We meant the comparison of the capabilities of the platforms with equal talents and experience of the participants (if it is possible), but now you are transferring the conversation to another plane - the competition of talents, experience and vision. This is already a different type of competition. It brings out the characteristics of the participants, not the platforms and languages.

So your point is not entirely correct.


Example for comparison:

The same racer on the same track will drive two models of the same car twice, an old one and a revolutionary new one. Let's say he decides to compete against himself. Same seniority, same experience, same talent.

The question is: will there be the same result in terms of lap times and other indicators for both models?
George Merts:

Even the API can easily be wrapped into universal functions that work in the same way across all platforms. After that, EAs look exactly the same for all platforms.

Not the same. For an EA with more than 2 orders at a time, there is no easy transition anymore... In this sense obviously MT4 is more versatile and functional than MT5, that is, according to the laws of the market and progress, sooner or later MT5 will degenerate into MT4... The process is already underway, we are already adding orders gradually... It just takes time until marketers of Metakvot figure it out, and until then everyone will be fiddling with two almost equivalent architectures...

By the way, after seeing the post that people can no longer download mt4, and mt5 at the moment can not be switched to without damage, I also had this thought to discuss with colleagues a reserve airfield.

It's a very naive move in the hope that if someone cannot download MT4, he will switch to MT5. :)
It's a very naive move in the hope that if someone can't download MT4 they will then switch to MT5. :)
I opened my DC. Feel free to download. MT4 or MT5. There are accounts for both, including demo. And while there will be brokerage companies with MT4, the support of MT4 by MQ, one way or another, will be.