Is it possible to cheat forex. - page 11


Look at the task through the eyes of those to whom you are asking questions.

In order to set a problem, you need to describe what is given.

Without this, you can't set the problem, and without setting the problem, you can't solve it.

I may contact you about this problem, maybe we can come up with something, but I will test it later.
You go online and read a meta trader gives you a quote with a 15 minute delay, you can see what was happening in the forex market 15 minutes ago.
link... prouf

I went too far in sending you to the League League, but it requires some basic knowledge.

Do you even know the difference between quotes in the terminal and informational statistics, which are displayed on these sites for audible reading - not for trading

then it's not the delay in quotes but the refresh period.
that I can see where the price is going. 3 seconds earlier than in the terminal.
I, too, with several terminals running on different laptops from the same broker - there is indeed some delay... half a second... think it's just the computer slowing down
If you can see it 3 seconds earlier, what do you want from the members of the forum to boast that you have a time machine?

If you have seen it with your own eyes, tell people where you can see such a miracle.
what good is a 3-second period of time???? real application...
link... prouf

Google there are lots of examples.

QUOTE.RU :: Услуги и цены :: Валюты: Котировки рынка FOREX, курс доллара и евро на ММВБ
QUOTE.RU :: Услуги и цены :: Валюты: Котировки рынка FOREX, курс доллара и евро на ММВБ
I'm not bragging. I need to improve. I'm not asking questions because I'm reading a primer.

you need... and what does it get the rest of us?

If nothing, then back to work.

I don't know about 3 seconds, but I've definitely gone back five years... :-)))

Google it and there are plenty of examples.

I posted a link to trading on the news on the real this is what 3 seconds does.


"Theuser has free access to information on quotes with a 15-minute delay, as well as data on currency rates at the end of the trading day. Registered users can receive information on exchange rates in real time." - what is "free access"?

do you have access there?

give the exact price 15 minutes ahead a few times and the crowd will follow you!