I am in favour of not passing off converted indicators as my own - page 3


What is the question?

If you have an idea or ToR, get lost.

If you have an interesting idea, create a branch, justify it and make it interesting.

On what grounds should anyone create anything for you? Judging by the first post, having remarkable telepathic abilities.



What is the question?

If you have an idea or ToR, get lost.

If you have an interesting idea, create a branch, justify it and make it interesting.

On what grounds should anyone create anything for you? Judging by the first post, having remarkable telepathic abilities.

Bill Williams created indicators for everyone, while you only work for money.
Where is that a lot? None of the normal ones, All a reworked copy and that's it.
Bill Williams created indicators for everyone, but you only work for money. You can't offer anything useful.

So what?

PS I don't.


So what?

PS I don't want to.

And there are charlatans like you in most parts of the Internet.

1 Не могу скорее всего.

2 And there are charlatans like you on most of the internet.

1 It is not for you to judge.

2 Justify it.


1 You are not the one to judge.

2 Justify it.

You don't have to justify anything when you can't do anything yourself.

If you have done anything, you have just stolen someone else's ideas, that is all.


1 It is not for you to judge.

2 Justify.

If it's not for me to judge, who is it for?

You look like a castrated dancer who has tried all the implants but never learned to dance.

Read it again, slowly.

Goodbye, get well.