FORTS long delays in order execution


Good afternoon!

Does anyone experience significant delays when placing,

Modification and deletion of orders? FORTS brokerage company "Otkrytie".

If so, please specify your Internet Service Provider.


Good afternoon!

Does anyone experience significant delays when installing,

Modification and deletion of orders? FORTS brokerage company "Otkrytie".

If yes, please specify your Internet Service Provider.

I have noticed a "frozen order": in the column "Price" of the order there was a record "market" and the order did not want to be executed. A terminal user could not delete such an order. This order could be executed in an hour but still there was a "hanging" order.

This is a synchronization error of the broker's server and the exchange. This should be fixed in a few days (I was promised so).

P.S. MasterBrok, Ukrainian Exchange.

Good afternoon!

Does anyone experience significant delays when installing,

Modification and deletion of orders? FORTS brokerage company "Otkrytie".

If so, please specify your Internet Service Provider.

I have been closing Gazprom shares for 30 minutes. There is nothing wrong with the ISP. Problems on FORTS servers.
So far, there haven't been any. But so far, applications are rare either.

Someone was recently watering down the forex "kitchens" ......

FORTS is, of course, something OTHER, honestly... :)

By all means. They are not even close.

But there are their own cockroaches. For example, penalties for exceeding transaction limits.


Someone was recently watering down the forex "kitchens" ......

FORTS is, of course, something OTHER, honestly... :)

papaklass, you are very sarcastic....

I have checked my trades many times for "kitchen" - never detected any.

The delays are due to the MQ server at the broker (apparently not correct synchronisation with FORTS).

I have a backup channel, but there are delays through it as well.

I just want to be 100% sure that

"blame" not my provider (ONLime 80/50 Mbps).

P.S The most annoying thing is that there is no list of errors in terminal operation, before you find out - you are sure to get money :(

By the way, don't forget to report any execution delays to broker support and servicedesk. You need to attach the terminal log and a screenshot from the "Trade" tab.
By the way, don't forget to report any execution delays to broker support and servicedesk. Need to attach the terminal log and a screenshot from the "Trade" tab.
Thank you. Already done.

Gentlemen, this is not sarcasm. This is a statement of fact.

Think about it, why on the forex (kitchen) 95% of traders lose, and on the "honest" exchange the same 95% of traders also lose? Maybe in these two substances the concepts of "kitchen" and "honesty" are equivalent?

1. HFT is pure criminality. HFT violates the principle of equality of all participants to receive information.

2. Delays in execution are also the business of the exchange/broker. Question: Who benefits from it? Definitely not the trader. In 95% or more delays in execution of clients trading orders, the internet channel is not involved!

3. Insider is also criminal, but it thrives on the stock exchange. The broker receives a bid from a pension fund to buy a large amount of Uber shares and immediately the Uber futures start to rise. Isn't that the kitchen? For you, the average trader?

Why is forex worse than the stock market?

PS: I am not going to convince anyone. Just an opinion. :)

What was originally described here was a desynchronisation error with the exchange. It is an error which is being corrected.
No one except you are not talking about any "kitchens".

papaklass, with a mood like that, maybe you should

to give up these games altogether?

But we are communicating with you!