The perfect Take Profit - page 8

Set it on D1 (Euro/Dollar), Put N=280, Future=2, iN=0 and follow the recommendations of the indicator, daily opening 1 order with SL=200pp, TP=30-50pp, lot 0.01 for every 100 deposit. It will be at least 100% p.a., or even more, then decide if it is worth spending time on it or not.

Very interesting

Sometimes it happens that there are less than 1000 bars on a chart

By the way I think put in your code indicator :

void init()
{{ if( Bars < N ) N=Bars ;else N=N;  } 
        N=MathMax(2, N); Future=MathMax(0, Future); // проверка корректности значений

Very interesting

Sometimes it happens that there are less than 1000 bars on a chart

By the way, I think you should put it in your indicator code:

Thank you, could you paste it here and post it or send it to me in a private message?

When developing a trading system it is not uncommon to ask the question, what is the most ideal moment to exit their trade in profit? Stop Loss is by definition an option to take what is left of the maximum profit, so I am interested in options for calculating the take profit point.

Right now I use to determine the take profit point:

1. moving average +/- indent;

2. RSI indicator levels 70/30;

3.Fibonacci levels of 123.6% / 138.2% / 150% and -23.6% / -138.2% / -150% (but I do not know how to automate this).

What do you use?

What is the result?
How is the result?

It depends on how you evaluate it. Closing on Take Profit implies expectation of at least a slight correction. After the trend - when the market settles down, variant 1 and 2 work quite well, and the third variant is purely trend - it is convenient for partial fixing and for transferring to Breakeven.

What is the basis of your indicator?
Haven't you heard? The famous formula number 18.
Haven't you heard? The famous formula number 18.

Tell us about it, I'm interested to learn something new!


Tell us about it, I'm interested to learn something new!

On the fourth search (18)

When developing a trading system it is not uncommon to ask the question, what is the most ideal moment to exit their trade in profit? Stop Loss is by definition an option to take what is left of the maximum profit, so I am interested in options for calculating the take profit point.

Right now I use to determine the take profit point:

1. moving average +/- indent;

2. RSI indicator levels 70/30;

3.Fibonacci levels of 123.6% / 138.2% / 150% and -23.6% / -138.2% / -150% (but I do not know how to automate it).

What do you use?

To solve this issue, I went a little differently, namely, to completely abandon the TP and SL (set TP=10000pp. and SL=0) and instructed my indicator to solve this problem of entering and exiting the market by itself during the period from 01. 01. 2009 to present time on euro/dollar with constant lot 0.01 on TF D1 using trend-following strategy. Here is what has come out of this undertaking, you judge:

Bars in history 2269
Modelled ticks 3883
Simulation quality n/a
Chart mismatch errors 0
Initial deposit 10000.00
Spread Current (51)
Net profit 47352.21
Total profit 60198.50
Total loss -12846.29
Profitability 4.69
Expected payoff 37.52
Absolute drawdown 1123.53
Maximum drawdown 13918.14 (33.10%)
Relative drawdown 33.10% (13918.14)
Total trades 1262
Short positions (% win) 613 (51.71%)
Long positions (% win) 649 (57.47%)
Profitable trades (% of all) 690 (54.68%)
Loss trades (% of all) 572 (45.32%)
profitable trade 289.58
losing trade -102.10
profitable trade 87.24
losing trade -22.46
Maximum number
consecutive wins (profit) 101 (12427.81)
Continuous losses (loss) 49 (-2743.59)
Continuous Profit (number of wins) 25566.97 (100)
Continuous loss (number of losses) -2743.59 (49)
continuous winnings 14
Continuous loss 12

The same on anti-trend strategy, from which it follows that, the market, most likely, will definitely turn and will be higher than the state of 21 07 2014, i.e., in the region of 1.34500 :

Bars in the history 2269
Modelled ticks 3883
Simulation quality n/a
Chart mismatch errors 0
Initial deposit 10000.00
Spread Current (51)
Net profit 27011.35
Total profit 51819.12
Total loss -24807.77
Profitability 2.09
Expected payoff 24.33
Absolute drawdown 2213.22
Maximum drawdown 24885.62 (42.47%)
Relative drawdown 42.47% (24885.62)
Total trades 1110
Short positions (% win) 554 (80.51%)
Long positions (% win) 556 (61.51%)
Profitable trades (% of all) 788 (70.99%)
Loss trades (% of all) 322 (29.01%)
profitable trade 212.71
losing trade -270.51
profitable deal 65.76
losing deal -77.04
Maximum number
135 (13533.75) continuous wins (profit)
Continuous losses (loss) 100 (-20839.70)
Continuous Profit (number of wins) 14049.01 (105)
Continuous loss (number of losses) -20839.70 (100)
continuous winnings 20
Continuous loss 8


Tell us about it, I'm interested to learn something new!

Idea, discussion and the indicator itself (one of its variants, by chance, is displayed on this page)
Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
  • 2011.02.07
  • Yousufkhodja Sultonov
Рыночная цена складывается в результате устойчивого равновесия между спросом и предложением, а те, в свою очередь, зависят от множества экономических, политических и психологических факторов. Непосредственный учет всех составляющих осложнен как различием природы, так и причиной воздействия этих факторов. На основании разработанной регрессионной модели в статье сделана попытка прогнозирования рыночной цены.
On the fourth search (18)