Beta version of MetaTrader 4 IDE including new MQL4 compiler and editor - page 23

$5.33 a month is logical, but terribly inconvenient :)
Please, who's going to pay by the month? Buy a year's licence and you're done.
For God's sake, who is going to pay by the month? I bought a licence for a year and that's it.
Then I will have to pay in advance, 10 years in advance (I think that's how long it will take to test it, by all accounts).
Is MT4, MT5 not enough? or what else can be done that was not in the previous series?

The problem with 5 is that it does not support 4. It's like the architecture is different, so I would like to see a product that solves this problem. (It seems like a lot of effort has been made, but the effort has not been rewarded.)


It's sad rather than simple. Here is the performance of a single run of the standard MovingAverage EA on M1 in OHLC mode:

MetaTrader4 32 bit
MetaTrader5 64
Moving Average in MT4/MT5 standard delivery, testing period from 01.01.2000 to 12.09.2013, timeframe M1, OHLC / OHLC mode on M1, time format mm:ss (hardware: i7, 16Gb DDR3 RAM).

In this mode and timeframe the number of ticks should be the same in both platforms, but even in this mode 64-bit MetaTrader5 lags 2.5 times behind its younger 32-bit brother.

Admittedly, both use multi-core CPUs. But the price for MT5 tester's modular architecture is too high.

I did not notice that MT4 uses a multi-core CPU, can you tell me where to enable this support?


I didn't notice that MT4 uses a multi-core CPU, can you tell me where to enable this support?

You don't need to enable it anywhere, just look in Task Manager to monitor CPU usage when you run the strategy in the MT tester.
There is no need to enable it anywhere, just look in Task Manager to monitor CPU usage when running the strategy in the MT tester.
It's more likely that it's not the MT4 application's multitasking, but the operating system's property of allocating computation to the cores. IMHO.
Rather, it's not the multitasking nature of the MT4 application, but the property of the operating system to distribute the computation to the cores. IMHO.
No operating system can parallelize a single threaded application.
You don't need to enable it anywhere, just look in task manager to monitor CPU usage when running the strategy in the MT tester.

The thing is that in my tester only one core is used, so I don't understand how to use all of them in MT4!

I have Windows 7 64x , AMD processor (forgot the number) 4+1 cores.


The thing is that in my tester only one core is used, so I don't understand how to use all of them in MT4!

I have Windows 7 64x , AMD processor (I forgot the part number) 4+1 cores.

I don't know about others, here is my picture

You can see that the tester loads the cores, though not 100%


Anyway, I don't know about anyone else, here's my picture

you can see that the tester is loading the cores, though not 100%.

So you better look at the tab "Processes" there you will have a load of 12.5% against the program, which confirms the load only one core.

And you're not in visualization mode, are you? I am talking about optimization mode.