In MT5 do I have to pay an extra spread relative to MT4? - page 8


Thank God you have finally come to that conclusion.

the efforts of the participants were not in vain.

I think the topic can be closed, don't you?

Didn't I say that from the start? I think the topic is over, only it is unclear what the MCs think about the third spread that traders have to pay when switching to MT5.
Didn't I say that from the start? I think the topic is over, it's just not clear what the MCs think about the third spread that traders have to pay when switching to MT5.
I think we should complain
what do the MCs think about the third spread

the third spread doesn't exist. it's all shmatrix.

just shh-shh-shh.

Into the annals of the whole branch +100500.

MT4: Entry 1 lot buy (1 spread), t=00.00 + second entry 1 lot sell (1 spread), t=00.30 + close sell, t=01.00 + close buy, t=02.00. Total 2 spreads.

MT5: buy 1 lot buy entry (1 spread), t=00.00 + buy 2 lots buy entry (1 spread), t=00.30 + buy 2 lots buy entry (1 spread), t=01.00 + buy close, t=02.00. Total 3 spreads.

I have drawn a diagram based on the data given by you. I do not see any identical actions.

OK. I see my mistake, Integer is right. There won't be 3 spreads.

But the scheme that was conceived cannot be implemented beautifully without OCO orders, it will go wrong... ...imho.

Ok. Got my mistake, Integer is right. There will not be 3 spreads.

My dear friend, I understand that you are still brainstorming because you have just realized that there is no third spread in MT5, but to finish your mind I will give you one more trick:

In MT4 in case of closing a position additional 1 spread is paid at the moment when you open a locking position, and in MT5 it is not paid at all, because the second position is not opened at all!

(That's it, call the orderlies, another 5-10 pages of hype is guaranteed).

It is claimed that MT5 is supposedly fully equivalent to MT4 in all cases, but here you can see that this is not true - the spread paid will be different.
You are, I'm sorry to say, in a messed up state of mind.

My dear friend, I understand that you are still brainstorming because you have just realized that there is no third spread in MT5, but to finish your mind I will give you one more trick:

In MT4 in case of closing a position additional 1 spread is paid at the moment when you open a locking position, and in MT5 it is not paid at all, because the second position is not opened at all!

(That's it, call the orderlies, another 5-10 pages of white heat guaranteed:)

Can you give an example with calculations to prove your theory?