In MT5 do I have to pay an extra spread relative to MT4? - page 6

Reshetov: The spread is deducted at the opening of the position.
And according to your theory, when is the spread deducted and from where?
And according to your theory, when is the spread deducted and where from?

Who the fuck knows? There's nothing about the spread in the stack. There is an opening price and a closing price. Their difference is used to calculate profit or loss. There are commissions, if they are non-zero. There are swaps.

There are no spreads.

Where the hell did you come up with the spread?

My stats do not show any spread, so it does not exist.

For you personally, there must be some special custom-made spreads that have triple spreads deducted?

Netting does not mean that at every point in time the identity must be maintained, but only at the final point in time at closing. Otherwise how do you make a profit (say) on a short-term sell trade as in MT4 if there is nothing in the market? That's just the way it's suggested to make a profit on both long and short term trades.

Who the fuck knows? There's nothing about the spread in the steute.

That makes sense then.
Well, that explains it.

I can tell you a terrible secret, on the condition that you take it to your grave and do not tell anyone: after overlapping the double counter, a new pose opens with a deduction of the single spread, not the double.

It's a mess: we opened one position, detected one spread, overlapped the double, and again detected the same spread. And where did the third spread go, because the single + double pose should be three spreads?

And the worst thing is that the situation is the same on MT4 and MT5. And in the state too, that missing third spread is also not subtracted anywhere.


I can tell you a terrible secret, on the condition that you take it with you to your grave and not tell anyone: after overlapping a double counter, a new pose opens with a single spread deducted, not a double.

Well, this is obvious because the position at the end remains with a single lot, even though it was opened with a double lot because the second lot is used to close the previous one and the spread has been already subtracted from it at the opening. So there is no profit at all, you can close the previous one the same way and open it with one lot. The spread will not change.
I see.

I give up. Brilliant logic, knowledge of the subject and excellent evidence left me with no chance. Write to servicedeck. Demand justice and a damn spread refund, they must be bored out of their minds.

Make it a day)).

So what's the answer - how do you think netting would be scheduled to be equivalent to MT4?
So what's the answer - how do you think netting would be scheduled to be equivalent to MT4?
What do you need it for? )))

I give up. Brilliant logic, knowledge of the subject and excellent evidence left me with no chance. Write to servicedeck. Demand justice and a bloody spread refund, they must be bored out of their minds.

Well, it seems like DC don't mind being paid three spreads instead of two. We have only one solution: MT5 has to take into account the continuation of the first deal and not take the third spread.