In MT5 do I have to pay an extra spread relative to MT4? - page 4

Please give us the exact time, what time it is open and how long you have been in the market. Then you may understand what the problem is. The cases you have compared are not identical.

MT4: Entry 1 lot buy (1 spread), t=00.00 + second entry 1 lot sell (1 spread), t=00.30 + close sell, t=01.00 + close buy, t=02.00. Total 2 spreads.

MT5: buy 1 lot buy entry (1 spread), t=00.00 + buy 2 lots sell entry (1 spread), t=00.30 + buy 2 lots buy entry (1 spread), t=01.00 + buy close, t=02.00. Total 3 spreads.
Because one lot of Sell goes to close the first Buy, and the second lot directly stays in Sell after netting to keep the equivalence of entries in MT4.

so where do you get the equivalent?

If you lock a position in MT4 with a second entry.

and in MT5 you don't have a lock - skewed to Sell by 1 lot.

Where is the equivalence?


is the obvious not understandable?


IMHO it's useless to go on.

I remember once I myself started it, so I had to go to a preparatory course for university students. Otherwise I got my own maths, and in schools - a different one, which does not coincide with mine. As a result, I had to learn a different kind of maths, completely alien to me, so that I didn't have to punch my teachers in the face for counting fractions incorrectly.

To calculate the spread, it does not matter whether it is a counter-close or a single close, the spread depends on the lot size of the open trade and is taken off when the trade is opened.
Important. We open buy 1, we open sell 1. We may close them one by one - we will pay two spreads. We can close them counterwise, in this case we will pay one. But we will be able to close one by one only in MT4. The opposite one will be paid in MT5. Instead of arguing, you'd better do what you are advised to do - schedule orders over time.

The spread has NO REFUNDABLE spread and what is spread calculation? Spread has NO CALCULATION.

// The farther into the woods the thicker the partisans.

Spread is deducted (removed) at the moment you open a deal. It's about the cost of the spread = calculation of the spread paid.

MT4: Entry 1 lot buy (1 spread), t=00.00 + second entry 1 lot sell (1 spread), t=00.30 + close sell, t=01.00 + close buy, t=02.00. Total 2 spreads.

MT5: buy 1 lot buy entry (1 spread), t=00.00 + buy 2 lots sell entry (1 spread), t=00.30 + buy 2 lots buy entry (1 spread), t=01.00 + buy close, t=02.00. Total 3 spreads.
Just repeat commands with your TS and don't get wise, then you will get equivalent on MT5 . No equivalent at the moment. You are overdoing it.
It is deducted at the moment when you open the order. We are talking about the cost of the spread = settlement of the spread paid.

No. The spread is the natural market difference between the best buy price and the best sell price.

It is not deductible. It is the commission that is deducted. The spread just exists.

Important. Open buy 1, open sell 1. We can close them one by one - we will pay two spreads. We may close them counterwise, in this case we will pay one. But we will be able to close one by one only in MT4. The opposite one will be paid in MT5. Instead of arguing, you'd better do what you are advised to do - write the orders with time.
I have explained the times above. If you do not believe you can open a deal in the demo and see how it always goes right into deficit because the spread is immediately deducted. If you want to close the deal, the spread on this deal will not change.

It is not withdrawn. It is the commission that is taken off. And the spread just exists.

Yeah, the spread just exists by itself in outer space and no one has ever seen when or where it is deducted. :)
And then close as you like, the spread on that trade will not change again.
There are options. In MT4 we can simply close (we will pay one spread), we can open a sell, and then there are two options: perform a counter-close (we will pay one spread in total), this action is similar to closing with a counter-order in MT5. The second option is to close two orders one by one, each by itself.