Experiments with MetaTrader 5 at Discovery - page 52

Алексей Тарабанов:
I don't think so. You are talking about changing the protocol adopted 35-40 years ago:
Yury Reshetov:
Send reports to different folders with different names and you'll be happy

Thanks to all of course, but I understand that in general there's no way ... Send to different folders for example?
Every time I change the destination in the terminal? And on the server before a million folders? Haha... Nah... sorry, you can't fix that kind of thing...

Here's a question for you!


I just don't know where to send it. I think it would be very helpful to everyone... to do in the next build, that is to add... at least the simplest graphical editor - likeFastStoneCapture
Where to send such a suggestion?
Actually, the shares are already there, just need to put up another terminal for the shares. Look in the news at Otkritie.

This week I start trading futures on MT5 at Otkritie. I will write here about my impressions. I am interested, first of all, in responsiveness of interface, loading of large windows configurations, speed of order execution, convenience of placing these orders, viewing and generating reports on deals, I can check trailing operation, although I do not need it with my system. I will compare it with Kvik and Tranzac.

I'm not touching robots yet, especially here on forum it was mentioned about "some peculiarities" that should be taken into account for the robot to correctly place orders. And that robots produced by block generators such as ForexEAgenerator etc. will not work properly in futures market due to differences in order emission. Is it so?


Demo account

1. Ask price is deep down. bid (85640) is higher than ask (84930).

Is this normal?

2. I place a Buy Limit order at a price higher than the Ask - it does not trigger.

At what price does the limit order trigger in this situation?


Demo account

1. Ask price is deep down. bid (85640) is higher than ask (84930).

Is this normal?

2. I place a Buy Limit order at a price higher than the Ask - it does not trigger.

At what price does the limit trigger in this situation?

1) This is normal on demo from exchange.

2) Will trigger at whatever price the exchange decides to simulate a counter bid.


2) Will trigger at the price at which the exchange decides to simulate a counter bid.

2 - at what price should the Buy Limit Order price be checked for acceptability?
2 - relative to what price should we check the Buy Limit order setting price?

I do not know, did not work closely with the demo - immediately closed after seeing the trash and opened a real account for testing.

P.S. Sorry, on the second question, probably screwed up, because I did not pay attention to the fact that the BC is sent HIGHER than the ask.


Gentlemen, hello! Could you please tell me if anyone knows? Why the data of the cup at different brokers do not coincide? On the screenshot: FORTS, instrument RIM5, MT5 (Opening), VolFix and Direct.

kka1uw.png  127 kb

Gentlemen, hello! Could you please tell me if anyone knows? Why the data of the cup at different brokers do not coincide? On the screenshot: FORTS, instrument RI, MT5 (Opening), VolFix and Direct.

What is RI? Science only knows the RTS futures:

RTS futures contract

Data should only be taken from real servers, as a demo server is a very approximate emulation.


Gentlemen, hello! Could you please tell me if anyone knows? Why the data of the cup at different brokers do not coincide? On the screenshot: FORTS, instrument RI, MT5 (Opening), VolFix and Direct.

It cannot be. Where is the guarantee that screenshots are made at the same time and the platforms have zero delay in displaying the market?

z.s. When analyzing high frequency data in the outputs you have to be very careful. A delay of 1ms can drastically skew the results.