Experiments with MetaTrader 5 at Discovery - page 49


The broker does not even have such an option available, as

Whether it's an exotic bug or an oversight and a special modification for Discovery, I don't know.

but even in this case i would like to know the real formula to calculate the profit of the instrument RTS, taking into account that it is not included by type in the MT help

It's just that the documentation hasn't had time to update. Options are being worked on and new types of instrument calculations are appearing. As they are not actually used yet, there is no word about them in the help yet. But with the release of new versions of MT5 they are already available, so that is the call of such exotics.

As for the formula of position cost - it is the same: RTS*0.02 cents*ruble-dollar conversion rate. There is no need for CS or margin here.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

The documentation just hasn't had time to update. Options are being worked on and new types of instrument calculations are appearing. As they are not actually used yet, there is no word on them in the help yet. But with the release of new versions of MT5 they are already available, so that is the call of such exotics.

As for the formula of position cost - it is the same: RTS*0.02 cents*ruble-dollar conversion rate. GO or margin is not needed here.

So for now the formula remains the same



So for now the formula remains the same


Right. 300 points in two RTS lots would be: 2*300*15.47/10 = 928.2 roubles.

so as long as the formula remains the same


Yes, it's better to calculate the profit loss yourself. MT5 has never been able to calculate profit correctly. The broker's technical support confirms it; - they say look at KVIC, KVIC counts correctly.

You should look at KVIC and see how it calculates profit and loss correctly. In MT5, you can't get the right value of margin, only calculate it yourself. For long and short positions, different margin is calculated by the exchange, based on volatility. You can find it on the exchange website if you look hard enough.

So far, if the margin is sufficient, the MT5 broker does not always open a market order;

though a limit order triggers without any problems.


Please advise who registered signals

Broker is Otkritie, MT5. Your broker sends me a SSL certificate.

There is no SSL certificate field to register the signals, without it the signal is not connected to the account.

What is the solution? What am I doing wrong?

Valery Voloboev:

Please advise who registered signals

Broker is Otkritie, MT5. Your broker sends me a SSL certificate.

There is no SSL certificate field to register the signals, without it the signal is not connected to the account.

What is the solution? What am I doing wrong?

Try to copy the certificate issued by your broker in the folder MetaTrader 5\Configuration/Certificates. After you reload MT5, this field should appear.

MT glass - galloping.

the graph lines are jumping and showing the hell out of it,

developers, is this the norm?

Vasiliy Sokolov:
Try to copy the certificate, which is issued by your broker, to MetaTrader 5\Configuration\certificates folder. After restarting MT5 this field should appear.

No, that's not the point.

The certificate is already in this folder.

I cannot register a trading signal because when registering there is no field to enter the certificate, and without it it does not connect to my account. I cannot connect without it. It says check your login or password.

My question is, who registered signals as a Seller from Otkritie.

How did you do it?


The mt stack is galloping.

The chart lines are bouncing and showing the devil knows what,

developers, is this the norm?

Yes, on the demo it is. The demo is very different from the real one.

What if you press the second button at the top?


Question for Otkritie.

When will stocks, options and futures appear in the same MT5 terminal?