Examples: Idleness is the Stimulus to Progress. Semiautomatic Marking a Template


New article Idleness is the Stimulus to Progress. Semiautomatic Marking a Template has been published:

Among the dozens of examples of how to work with charts, there is a method of manual marking a template. Trend lines, channels, support/resistance levels, etc. are imposed in a chart. Surely, there are some special programs for this kind of work. Everyone decides on his/her own which method to use. In this article, I offer you for your consideration the methods of manual marking with subsequent automating some elements of the repeated routine actions.

Any marking is determining the extremums on a chart and composing some user-defined figures or lines on the basis of these points. The Elliott's waves followers need to mark certain waves and the conclusions (which wave it is), determining the number, etc. The Wolf's waves disciples need to draw trend lines and to denote targets. The "Butterfliers" need points and levels for determining the prospective butterflies, crabs and the other figures formalized by Gartley.

Murrey levels are necessary for those who prefer this method. The automatic calculation does not allow us to involve hundreds, or maybe thousands of formation, if only it is not a special software. On the other hand, anyone can see the disadvantages of automatic marking in the consequence of condition-formalizing methods. And not every software allows us to intervene into the marking process. So, the application of manual marking and the assignment of the further data processing to the computer widen the user's capabilities.

Author: Vladimir



Thanks for the nice Study.

I did add the indicator on my chart, but I have a red button on the lower right but I don’t know how to turn it on, when I double click on it is says in the property box “Lable_On_off” I believe it means that the button function is not working, also I don’t see the Wingdings as shown on the chart above, can you advise what could be wrong? Also What other indicators should be available at the indicators list?

Thanks for your help


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Thanks for the nice Study.

I did add the indicator on my chart, but I have a red button on the lower right but I don’t know how to turn it on, when I double click on it is says in the property box “Lable_On_off” I believe it means that the button function is not working, also I don’t see the Wingdings as shown on the chart above, can you advise what could be wrong? Also What other indicators should be available at the indicators list?

Thanks for your help

Double click on the red button is a red ring on it. Pass up the button and you'll see on the screen Wingdings

If you have any questions write on the site http://fibook.ru in "Contact svz" - ("Обратная связь")

Thanks for your work on this indicator and sharing with others.

I have the same problem as alkahaat above. I have downloaded, compiled, and applied both the english and russian versions and they both do the same thing.

Probably a small misunderstanding of your instructions. Please walk me throught this...

1) There is a red square "button" in right lower corner. I click on this and a box appears around it. (I assume this is "turned on" state)

2) Nothing else happens. I can drag the box around, but no number circles appear when the box is dragged.

3) If I drag the box around and click on it it sometimes turns green...but that's all that happens ( forex metatrader & Alpari UK)

Thanks for any help with this


When trying to compile this error occurs.