How do you decide on a trend? - page 3


"A good filter for fdet is ishimoku, when price is in the clouds it's a flat"

There's a filter like that.

EvMir or for example everyone keeps telling me to trade from levels. Support resistance is overbought oversold. Who can explain what is overbought in forex? Is it a situation when traders' funds limit to buy currencies has been exhausted? Or what? Can it be determined by a magic oscillator formula? What makes you think that the magical manipulation of bars can tell about anything? It's obvious it's a load of baloney. All on the word of honour. None of the oscillator developers can prove the relationship. He can only point out that, for example, in the year 14 you see my oscillator at a 30% profit. So what? It's just a coincidence. And there's a lot of lies like that in the market. A lot of formulas that draw some kind of beautiful sinusoidal pattern. And then they sit there and try to suck the correlation out of their mouths. It really is all alchemy. alchemy is the way to ruin. only real, only hardcore)

I can't call myself a guru to preach my point of view here on the classical fundamentals of TA, its interpretation, its derivation from market forces and the like. However, if you want I can give you some points of view on the subject.

The buy/sell is the price areas where the buy/sell orders are consolidated (respectively), from the crowd, working in a given timeframe. In other words, the probabilities in these areas are higher (and much higher) than in other areas. Why so? Because the crowd thinks predictably, and why does it think so? Because againthe crowd thinks predictably, recursion is there in this.

Because everybody knows that at the given level everybody will start to sell/buy in mass, even those who do not know TA, when they see the fall of Momentum (because people who know TA close positions) and a potential reversal, they do it. It has nothing to do with having/lack of money, but only with speculative motivation of the majority.

Oscillators are nothing more than different variations on the detrending price at a given time interval. They show, for example, where the crowd is more likely than 0.5 to expect a micro-trend to reverse, excluding the influence of the macrotrends and large timeframes. This is why they say that oscillators work on the flat, due to the fact that by removing the macrotrend, the trader has a big profit when there is no obvious macrotrend, otherwise he is burned when playing against it. But it is elementary analyzed. I don't think that someone plays with one oscillator, at least 3 timeframes are analysed.

I do not agree with you about alchemy, I use the term in a positive sense, as I gave it to George Soros in "The Alchemy of Finance", alchemy in his interpretation is not a pseudoscience, but rather a science with many dynamic laws, which is very different from natural sciences, so it has not been declared scientific due to idleness. But the difference is as fundamental as the difference between randomness and chaos, the first is an abstraction, which does not exist in reality, and the second is an order of higher levels. So also alchemy in this context is not a pseudoscience, but a dynamic science of a higher level, because it is generated by thinking beings with all their inherent motivations and delusions.

United Traders. Теория трейдинга от Майтрейда
United Traders. Теория трейдинга от Майтрейда
  • - Торговля на Американском и Российском фондовом рынке - помощь трейдерам, обсуждение торговли, инвест-идеи, бе...

He's a good kid, a lot of what he says is true in my opinion, but there are some obvious distortions. In brief, layout makers are not one person, not even 2 or 10, and they do not always act coherently, decisions made by each of them are a product of their analytical department, the difference is that they see the distribution of orders, but anyway they take imperfect decisions like all people and groups. Secondly, even if there were one explicit force, it is 2-3 orders of magnitude weaker in capitalisation than all the other participants and therefore can only play a manipulative game, but not directive. It's like comparing the boxer fighting brutally, when the stronger one wins, with the aikido master who uses the opponent's strength for his own aims, with provocations and painful techniques.

Market maker makes money on the market just like other successful market makers, with some significant advantages, but it is not in his power to start a big trend or stop it, like the kid on the video says. This may be only on the "God forbid stock exchange," and only on a small one like the Russian or Ukrainian, but the Forex market has been a "live market" and will remain so, as there were kitchens and they will continue to cook suckers))))

As for the volumes I absolutely agree, the momentum of the volume is as important as the momentum of the price. As for the volumes, I absolutely agree about the momentum of the market, it is as important as the momentum of the price.



I absolutely agree about the volumes, the momentum of the volume is as important as the momentum of the price. But I would read "Masters of the Markets" by T. Williams and not listen to the speeches of the guys who trade at the brokerage firms.

The only thing that can be taken from his words ("he let slip" :)) is that one should not listen to anyone. The analysis has to be done entirely by yourself, as well as the decision to make. But this phrase is already written in all the corners. As you calculate it yourself, so it will be. You have all the tools you need for that. If something is missing... You can always implement what you're missing. ))

Concerning the graphical analysis
"Why the hell would the market take it into account if they don't even know it exists?"

The essence of the bullshit we are constantly being drummed into)

From this video it appears that you need to know the real value of the volumes and not the tick value, are there brokers who provide this information?
on the subject: we need to poke around in Mandelbrot's fractal dimension. Same thing though - price conversions.
From this video it appears that you need to know the real value of volumes and not the tick value, are there any brokers who provide this information?
I don't remember where I read it said that the price of a tick on the forex market is from 5 million dollars, of course I would like to know the exact real volumesIf we know for sure that the price of a tick is 5 $ then it is not less important, because it is not the volume itself that is important, but its momentum. And if so, it is the most important information, not less important than the price.
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы индикаторов / Ценовые константы
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы индикаторов / Ценовые константы
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы индикаторов / Ценовые константы - Документация по MQL5

Interesting video, as a beginner I found it very interesting. As usual it was confusing once again. As far as I found information on the internet, volume and open interest, this data is not available on forex, at least as it is available on the stock market, or am I wrong? In several articles on this topic, the absence of reliable data on volume and open interest is considered an absolute, and this can not be an excuse to trade efficiently on the Forex market.

I don't remember where I read it, but it says that the price of a tick in Forex starts from 5 million $.Although if we know for sure that the price of a tick is 5 $ it is not less important, because the important is not the volume itself but its momentum, the main thing is that the minimal tick price is not floating, falsified by brokerage companies. And if so, it is the most important information, not less important than the price.

Please tell me where you saw it (tick>=5mln.) and how reliable this information is, unfortunately I have not found anything useful, except for emotional claims that the Forex volume is a fiction, but if so nobody except brokerage companies and market makers can earn money.

And that the volumes must be taken from the futures market and used in the Forex market.