Servicedesk: laziness, autism or unwillingness to admit mistakes? Supplementing the charts with non-native candles. - page 21

So it's OK to have dysfunctional functions?
So it's OK to have dysfunctional functions?

A week's ban with the composter as well.

Learn to read and think.

So it's ok to have dysfunctional functions?

Looking at the minute chart and seeing daily candles is nonsense, but

History. A particular instrument has it on the exchange. In Forex there is no such history in principle. In Forex the history is relative. Sax has one history, Dukas has another, and Alibaba has another.

In any case, everyone has access to their own history. Without such access one cannot buy or sell software. Some honestly disclose their history on the brokerage site, others do not.

We should ask only brokerage firms. They should ask what to fill each TF and by what algorithm, and this is a question for the brokerage firms. But they are still minute ones because they are on m1.

Better holes than confusion for me.


It seems to me that the most correct option would be to move away from the model - no tick, no bar. After all, there is a logical constraint - a minute history cannot be as deep as a monthly one. And if bars are built regardless of the presence of ticks, then you can synthesise the minutiae from the available points from the major.

Nah, bullshit.


It seems to me that the most correct option would be to move away from the model - no tick, no bar. After all, there is a logical constraint - a minute history cannot be as deep as a monthly one. And if bars are built regardless of the presence of ticks, then you can synthesize minute history by available points from the large.

Nah, nonsense.

I do not quite understand your message regarding the depth of the minute history

And regarding the "no tick no bar" model it's definitely a one-sided model that allows you to work with TP or SL strategies, but if you develop TS with time factors in mind, then you will immediately have problems. For me it seems more logical to proceed from the definition of a tick - the last known price and if the price has not changed at some time interval, then draw a bar with the last known price and zero tick volume - time has changed, but the price has not

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Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы индикаторов / Ценовые константы
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы индикаторов / Ценовые константы - Документация по MQL5

I do not quite understand your message about the depth of the minute history

And regarding the "no tick no bar" model it's definitely a one-sided model that allows you to work with TP or SL strategies, if you develop your TS taking into account temporal factors, then you will immediately encounter difficulties, it seems more logical to proceed from the definition of a tick - the last known price and if the price has not changed over a period of time, then draw a bar with the last known price and a zero tick volume - time has changed, but the price has not

If we cancel the rule - no tick, no bar, we will have a big problem with the determination of trend continuation. Perhaps, not everyone will feel it. In general, there will be places on the chart that contradict logic. Anyway, it is not a simple question. Imho.

About the depth of history: is it easy to chart the 80's in one-minute bars? By monthly bars? The question is rhetorical.

220Volt: If you cancel the rule - no tick, no bar, then ...
A simple question: am I correct in assuming that the formula "no tick, no bar" means thatthe tick volume of that bar is zero?
A simple question: am I correct in assuming that the formula "no tick, there is a bar" means thatthe tick volume of that bar is zero?

Yes, that's exactly what I meant.

220Volt Yes, that's exactly what I meant.
OK. It turns out that programmatically these bars can easily be skipped. Thanks for the idea!
OK. It turns out that programmatically these bars can easily be skipped. Thanks for the idea!

Apparently we're talking about different things, if you're talking about the big bars that are in the shallow story, there's probably not zero volume there.