Servicedesk: laziness, autism or unwillingness to admit mistakes? Supplementing the charts with non-native candles. - page 4

Bloviating flam by turning off our brains?

No, trying to find some way around the newfound cruel crutch.

Don't tell me it's a bug and it's good for us.

Komposter, work with minutes within the last 10-12 years and don't pretend that minutes older than 1999 are important to you.

There is no problem, and having days older than 1999 allows you to see a deeper history.

There is no problem, especially since each broker decides for himself what kind of history to use. If he wants - let him broadcast a bit shorter, but pure M1. You do not have to use our history older than 1999.
Why manually restrict if you have the function SeriesInfoInteger with the parameter SERIES_FIRSTDATE and parameters - the necessary timeframe and symbol. And logically this thing should return the stitching time of the tf
Документация по MQL5: Доступ к таймсериям и индикаторам / SeriesInfoInteger
Документация по MQL5: Доступ к таймсериям и индикаторам / SeriesInfoInteger
Доступ к таймсериям и индикаторам / SeriesInfoInteger - Документация по MQL5

It's not hard to control the holes, but how can we programmatically determine that other TFs are being used instead of minute bars?

I take it that someone is deliberately making hysteria with the idea that "there might be something else instead of minute bars".

The facts are this:

  1. The days on minute data only older than 1999 were put deliberately and deliberately to fill in the deep history.
  2. There are no other timeframes instead of minutes since 1999. That is, no mix inside the minute history.
  3. There are no technical errors in the import of daybars on old minute bars. There is an "honest" minute with daily OHLC.
  4. To say that"the 1980 minutiaedaybars are spoiling my minute analysis" is not serious. There is no need for flaming on this topic, nor is there any righteous theoretical anger.

Please bear in mind that marketed products are a collection of compromises.

Maximalism in defending the purity of one theory inevitably comes into conflict with a dozen other positions. In the end, it is often the cumulative compromise that wins, where each side has to sacrifice something.


The facts are this:

  1. The days on the minute data only older than 1999 were put in purposefully and deliberately to fill in the deep history.

You have this. How about this? Or will you deny that brokers are none of your business?


What is the boundary date? 01.01.1999, 04.01.1999, or... ?

or can it be different for different characters?


It's yours. How about this? Or will you deny that brokers are none of your business?

"There's no specifics.

You're reacting purely in theory without reference to reality. You don't know what's going on and you don't understand.


What is the boundary date? 01.01.1999, 04.01.1999, or... ?

or can it be different for different characters?

Of course it's different.

I take it that the developers find it difficult to write a 5 line function to detect the desired start index in a minute array? And even then, in exceptional cases of one person in a thousand.

Of course it is not difficult. But it is so interesting to play the public destroyer, not paying attention to the overall system picture.


"There's no specifics.

You, too, reacted purely in theory without reference to reality. Without understanding or comprehending the essence.

Well of course I remember everything, I'm an incompetent nubile who accidentally wandered into this thread.

What will you do when the specifics appear?


Well of course I remember everything, I'm an incompetent nerd who accidentally wandered into this thread.

What will you do when the specifics come up?

I'll send you to reread what I've written.

Thank you for acknowledging the lack of specificity in your instruction.


Renat, let's approach in terms of technique-practice.

What we have at the moment:
- all bars are based on one minute history. this is kind of a plus.
- But the same plus in the history storage model has revealed a big minus - where to put the ancient history, which has no minutes?
- After thinking for a couple of days, you made the decision to store the history in minutes. you had no other option! the "everything in minutes" model tastes better :)

That is, the compromise seems to have been obtained, but by leaving one crutch you have stumbled on the other...

It is clear that the history of ancient days without minutes is on your servers. On other brokers' servers there might not be such history (this line is for FiftyStars).

Anyway, on the basis of all this:
- nobody's going to change the minute model. This is a fact.
- And no one is going to add functions to MQL to analyze the "one-minute" and "daily" patterns. It is not clear how to do it.

I think everything depends on the broker - whether he will allow his server to have the "non-minute" history... And this is not a question for MC.

The "minute only" model has shown its convenience in storing and transferring volumes of information.
On the other hand, we got a feature from the MC - the presence of daily bars in the minute history, which is in fact a wild surprise.

So anyone who wants to remove the daily bars from the minute history should contact their brokers.
It may be possible to explain to them the problematic nature of the situation. There is no point in doing this for the MCs, there are progessors here.