Market - just a shop or an opportunity to make money - page 7


Before the "Pamm gold" signal, you had another signal or two -- one where you shouted that you got up from 1 quid just like you do now, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Make this signal available (for the sake of experimentation) - and let's see your success and achievements.

there are a lot of "shabby" participants on this forum with years of experience and 1000% in a month or two, so your noise is empty and pointless.

Put up your old signal -- let's see how it ended then -- and then we'll watch for déjà vu on the "Pamm gold" signal.

the main thing is to stop in time and take a profit.

If everyone could do it - make a couple thousand per cent in a few months, close the account and withdraw profit - then everyone would live on an island in a warm country (like me).

and let's get back to the market and the products in it.


The main thing is to stop in time and withdraw profit.

If everyone could do that - make a couple thousand percent in a few months, close the account and withdraw the profit - then everyone would live on islands in warm countries (like me).

I do that. I live in the same place as before, everything is OK, no complaints. Profits are there.

That's not the point. The subject has gone in some kind of advertising and measurement of writing, ... oops, bills...

The point is that there are robots, and they make money too, just like with your hands - it's up to everyone to sell or not to sell.

The market is volatile. I am surprised that YOU do not acknowledge it. Seller guarantees quality performance of the algorithm, not the gold mine.

Everyone is right.

Systems with no drawdown, a la the Grails, are not for sale.


so the main task is to distinguish these profitable robots from the masses of leaking ones.

and only offer them and only buy them.

why feed a bunch of talentless schoolboys who think they're great programmers?

who make hundreds of talentless plundering robots with impeccable algorithm and code...


The main thing is to stop in time and take a profit.

If everyone could do that - make a couple thousand percent in a few months, close the account and withdraw the profit - then everyone would live on islands in warm countries (like me).

Don't act like a broom -- you had a signal -- that signal was draining horribly and methodically, so you didn't have time to refill it -- then you removed the signal from the broadcast, when the drawdown was at 80-90%.

Then there was a second signal -- it disappeared, too.

Now you're broadcasting at least a third signal.

Put all your old signals out in the open -- and we'll all see if your abilities are as you draw daily in every thread.


OK - at the market I can go back and correct the trader's brain or facial interface, which I have done many times in my life. that's why the comparison to the flea market is incorrect.

Moreover, if you click on the Market link you will see the Market - a software shop for MetaTrader 5 and MetaTrader 4

the difference in profitability and the brain interface is obvious. my manual trading is more profitable than your automated trading...

Well, yes, MQs have set up the Market as a shop, but the process is determined by the participants in what is essentially a bazaar interaction, sellers and buyers.

An example of this is the communication between representatives of both camps in this thread, where some, shooting down on a buffoonery, in a hurry to promote their spectacular successes, knowing that they are about to end, and others angrily denounce them, against their own losses and hoping for satisfaction.

And in essence - it's just flubbing and accusing some sellers of forgery.
And in essence, it's just a lot of flubbing and accusing some sellers of forgery.

Here's another example... Do you consider the accusation of some marketplace sellers of forgery to be flubbing?
Then provide evidence that none of the sellers have any fraud, or have the courage to admit that your comment in this thread is, in fact, that very same kind of flubbing.


I would like to give you an example of my products, which I use and trade on my accounts:

HunterEa - with a deposit of more than $70,000 on real accounts.

TransatlaticEa is a relatively new product -

They have backtests from 2000, 2008 and real accounts.

They are nice pictures))), with such charts and such a deposit one can already poop in the golden toilet in a month.

So people have doubts: how can you sell a hen laying golden eggs.

Tell me honestly: is it more profitable to sell the grails or to trade on them?


Here's another example... Do you consider the accusation of some Marketplace sellers of forgery, a flub?
Then provide evidence that none of the sellers have fraud, or have the courage to admit that your comment in this thread is, in fact, the very same kind of flub.

Sorry, I didn't start the flooding. So you go first.

Provide evidence of how a particular seller or sellers, if more than one, deceived you through fraud or forgery. If you cannot, apologise to the community. OK?

ZS. My stuff is all free. Take it.


incorrect comparisons.

If you bought a car, you are told that it burns 10 litres per 100 km. and accelerates to 100 km in 12 seconds, and in fact it uses 50 litres per 100 km. and does not accelerate to 100 km - this is a question for the programmer, not the user

You have not quite correct idea.

The world is more diverse....

If the programmer is the author of the algorithm, then it is absolutely correct, the question is to the programmer.

But if the programmer worked according to the specification, all the questions are to be addressed to the programmer.

I would also note that the user must also have enough intelligence to be able to use the product properly.

Your comparison is not very good ...

An idiot or a drunkard can also buy a car, but will he go far or not? ?

After the car is wrecked, will the manufacturer be sued? To the designers of the car? ...