Pure maths, physics, logic (braingames.ru): non-trade-related brain games - page 183


There are no dotted lines in the illustration. Dotted means invisible.

There are only visible lines

I'm far from the rules of drawing, but what are the dashes if the lines are the same?

It would be:

Well, actually. After figures like that, the brain went into reset (drinking coffee).

One more thing:


See ESKD GOST 2.305-68 Images - views, sections, cross-sections.

Number of views (views, sections, cross-sections) should be as few as possible, but ensuring complete representation of the object when using symbols, signs and inscriptions established in the appropriate standards.

In order to reduce the number of views, it is permitted (note: it is permitted, not recommended) to show the necessary invisible parts of the surface of the object by means of dashed lines in the views.

Thus, invisible contour lines should be used only if they enable the form of simple elements to be clarified without additional images (cuts, sections) and do not clutter up the drawing.

I.e. the lack of dotted lines should not be a guideline, the draughtsman may simply not have drawn them. It is only not forbidden to draw them on drawings.


this is how the problem sounds in the original.

and serires put the condition without the underline.

here is the answer to the original

You're going the right way comrade ! ! !
there is no limit to the cat's mental work in the task :)

The problem loses its charm if the cat is allowed to use more than one paw at a time.

The problem solver has to be smarter than a complete imbecile to solve it.

There are conditions of the problem that are not discussed. Full stop.

Paraphrase the problem about the cat and the mouse (or about the artilleryman and the infantryman) into abstract sentences without mentioning the real/animate objects, leaving only the essence of the problem, what is to be found. (10 points)

Why? Instead of solving the problem someone wants to criticize its wording, well, fine, let him criticize... It does not disturb others.

Contender: 2,2,4,4,3,2

Mouse: 4,3,2,3,2,3. Nizachod.

Note: to the cat sequence 2,3,4,2,3,4 you won't find a similar rebuttal. Don't even try (but you will anyway).


Mouse: 4,3,2,3,2,3. Nizachod.

I see where I've gone wrong. Something I missed was that as soon as the cat takes his paw out, the mouse moves to the next hole. I'm stuck, on the fact that after "2-2" the mouse is guaranteed to be in either 3, 4 or 5 minks (I missed the 2nd one)


Note: you won't find a similar rebuttal to the cat sequence 2,3,4,2,3,4. Don't even try (but you will anyway).


Tried, of course. What's the point of "not trying"?

Contender: Of course you would. What's the point of not trying?

I was just saying that. I would have tried, too, if I hadn't known the solution.