Pure maths, physics, logic (braingames.ru): non-trade-related brain games - page 48

The depth of the pool does matter. You can't do it in numbers - there's not enough data.

Of course it does, but they imply that at abstract depth we come out of the 1 / 3 ratio

It's not the right problem.

The depth of the pool does matter. You can't do it in numbers - there's not enough data.
Depth does not, shape does. And I have my suspicions that for a rectangular pool the data is sufficient.
Depth no, shape yes.
If by shape you mean the ratio of depth to mirror area, the pressure does not depend on it
If by shape you mean the ratio of depth to mirror area, the pressure does not depend on that
No, different mirror area at different heights. The dynamics depend a lot on that
No, different mirror area at different heights. The dynamics depend a lot on it.
altitude curve (respectively pressure) - yes
No, different mirror area at different heights. The dynamics depend a lot on it

Now take away the extra mirror (your dynamics).

Imagine your room is a swimming pool.

There's a hole in the ceiling above, that's the water supply.

there's a hole in the floor underneath, that's the drain.

we remove the excess.

Just connect the two holes vertically with a pipe.

The pool is ready.

without going into numbers, taking 3/1 as a base, will the water be in the pipe ?



Five mega-brains and a parrot find themselves on a desert island. During the day, they gathered a huge pile of pineapples, put them all together and went to bed. At night one of the megabrains, fearing the 'unfair' division of the pineapples, woke up to claim his share. He divided the pineapples into five equal piles and gave one leftover pineapple to the parrot. Then he took his share and hid it, and put the rest in one pile. An hour later, for the same reason, a second megamogeon woke up and did the same thing. All five megamogs did the same (i.e. each took a fifth part and one gave it to the parrot). In the morning, the megabrains woke up and divided the remaining pineapples equally among them and gave the remaining pineapple to the parrot. What is the minimum number of pineapples the megabrains could collect?

((((((5115+1)*5/4+1)*5/4+1)*5/4+1)*5/4+1)*5/4+1) = 15621

It can't get any lower than that...


There doesn't seem to be one yet.

(Not with braingames.)

Two mega-brains are playing. The first one has two coins in his pocket. One of them is fair, the other has tails on both sides. The megamotz randomly pulls a coin out of his pocket and tosses it, resulting in tails. The other megamog brain must playfully name the probability that the chosen coin is a fair one.

And if the first MM flips a coin 10 times and gets 10 tails in a row, what is the probability that this coin is fair?


Two mega-brains are playing. The first one has two coins in his pocket. One of them is fair, the other has tails on both sides. The megabrain randomly pulls a coin out of his pocket and tosses it, resulting in tails. The other megamog brain must playfully name the probability that the chosen coin is a fair one.

1 / 3

There are only three tails in the deck, and only one of them is on a fair coin.

And if the first MM flips a coin 10 times and gets 10 tails in a row, what is the probability that this coin is fair?

(1/3)^10 = 1 / 59049

// ... time must be recursive after all ....


// ... time must be recursive after all ....

So how did you come to this conclusion? )))