Pure maths, physics, logic (braingames.ru): non-trade-related brain games - page 47


Because the water pours out at pressure plus minus some assumption at the end. I.e. the water level will change along a curve similar to hyperbola 1/x

If you add a source of water, there will come a point where the pressure is such that the velocities will balance out.


Can he plan his way so that he is guaranteed to find the cable, while walking no more than 32 km?

Fuck, the taskmaster is a sadist and a pervert :)

Because the water pours out under pressure plus minus some assumption at the end. I.e. the water level will vary along a curve like a hyperbola 1/x

If you add a source of water, there will come a point where the pressure is such that the velocities are balanced.

No no no, in numbers please, you have part of the problem about horses in vacuum as with a brick and a ball. If I'm not mistaken the mass has nothing to do with the pea-sized buckshot thrown on the elastic ball.

a mass of 10 tonnes, from a height of 10 metres, lifts it by 2.5 metres

do you have a bathtub? :))
there is

No no no, in numbers please

It's very complicated in numbers.
Mischek 2012.08.15 12:43 2012.08.15 12:43:17 #

No no no, in numbers please, you have part of the problem with horses in a vacuum as with a brick and ball. If I'm not mistaken, the mass has nothing to do with the pea-sized buckshot thrown at the perfectly elastic ball.

A 10-ton weight, from a height of 10 meters, lifts it 2.5 meters.


You're confused, though.
There's a pellet at 1m, but a mega-ball at 30m!
Mathemat 2012.08.14 11:40 2012.08.14 11:40:42 #
I haven't considered the other options that have now come out, but I'll post my solution nonetheless:
A: You can, and in either direction.



Reproduction is only invented in the task to intimidate and confuse. It is superfluous. Then the problem just becomes trivial.

And you don't need 2010 cycles, you need 2^2010.

Oh, of course. It's just a typo. That's how many bacteria there are in the beginning, that's how many cycles.


Try it and see :)

How long it takes for a full pool to come completely down if two pipes are open at the same time.

If you don't close the fill pipe, it won't"completely come down".

Erm, never?
The depth of the pool does matter. You can't get it in numbers - there's not much data.