Pure maths, physics, logic (braingames.ru): non-trade-related brain games - page 46

TheXpert: Um, never?
Well, yeah.


Megamogg was working as a telephonist, and one day he got a call from an office dispatcher asking him to find a buried cable. The cable was buried at a shallow depth in a straight line running exactly 5 km from where Megamogg was located. Unfortunately, communication broke down and the dispatcher did not have time to clarify in which direction the cable ran. Megamogg has a metal detector that rings exactly above the cable. Can he plan his way so that he is guaranteed to find the cable while walking no more than 32 km?

(Drawing is a must.)

Walking in a circle, radius=5001 m. The metal detector will call :)

The length of the circle is about 31.4km

Why (4) ?!? it should be (2) or (1)...

P.S. Well, saw..... 31.4 +5.0 km... Now I'll think about it :)

Um, never?
Um, why ?


Megamogg was working as a telephonist, and one day he got a call from an office dispatcher asking him to find a buried cable. The cable was buried at a shallow depth in a straight line running exactly 5 km from where Megamogg was located. Unfortunately, communication broke down and the dispatcher did not have time to clarify in which direction the cable ran. Megamogg has a metal detector that rings exactly above the cable. Can it plan its routeso that it is guaranteed to find the cable while travelling no more than 32 km?

(Drawing is compulsory.)

No, it cannot...

Below 36km -> no guarantee.


You don't have to do it in a circle, but 5km in a straight line first anyway.

I have nothing to draw on at the moment, draw lots of tangents to your circle and it will probably become clear

why ? ((

Can it plan its route so that it is guaranteed to find the cable while travelling no more than 32 km?

Is there a solution at all?
Um, never?
Is there a solution at all?
There is :)
do you have a bathtub? :))