The role of psychology in auto-trading - page 7


And there are still people who look at charts like this. )))

Well, nothing funny -- it's very handy if the market is visualised. And the trade uses the glass.
It's not funny - it is very convenient, if the market is visualized. And the trade uses the glass.

I'm not laughing or scoffing, I'm smiling. ))

Charts are just information and you can spin them however you like, if it's convenient. I, for example, don't want to look at them at all. I want to count and draw conclusions and make decisions from the results. ))


Wow... Is it that serious?

By the way, maybe an inverted graph is a good idea.

Nah, it's all wrong. You already know the rationale. If it didn't work, why on earth would it work again?

I propose another solution. The purpose of the exercise is to synchronize logic and "intuition".

The tactic used is: "If the mountain doesn't go to Mohammed, Mohammed goes to the mountain."


During a week, devoting at least one hour (but no more than three hours) a day to this business, try to substantiate "TheXLong-theory", according to which the long deals have a definite statistical advantage over short ones. Start writing an article. Gather some materials on the Internet that confirm this theory. Throw a couple of scripts that gather statistical material that confirms the theory. Tweak a couple of indicators. Fit some experts in the tester to the theory. Find vivid examples of the absurdity of the arguments that defeat the unshakable logic of this theory. You can come up with a couple of genius market formulas (e.g. (18) и (27)) Etc. etc. etc.

I think you get the idea. That's the main thing. There's no strict framework. Creativity rules.


No intelligent analysis "during working hours"! Only creative enthusiasm to gather evidence.

Chicken counting strictly in a week, not before. Discussing results with others too.


For a week, devoting at least an hour (but no more than three) a day, try to justify "TheXLong-theory", according to which long trades have an obvious statistical advantage over short ones. Start writing an article. Gather material from the Internet that supports this theory. Throw a couple of scripts that gather statistical material that supports the theory. Tweak a couple of indicators. Fit some experts in the tester to the theory. Find vivid examples of the absurdity of the arguments that defeat the unshakable logic of this theory. You can come up with a couple of genius market formulas (e.g. (18) и (27)) And so on and so forth.


Now that would be super. The best option/approach. ))

And there are still people who look at charts like this. )))

I never would have thought of it, it was interesting to read it, you can see that a person thinks differently.

1. But seriously, they also say that colouring graphs helps.

There are very few sane studies. The effect of leptin is interesting. (satiety hormone).

There is a stable connection between hunger (satiety) and propensity to risk. The hungrier one is, the riskier one trades under the same conditions.


I have found that I am much more comfortable holding a long position than a short.

What can be done about it?

And I have the opposite - only sell calmly.

I explained it by the fact that I am afraid of a rapid drop (like growth cannot be so rapid).

What to do? Definitely not to trade. It is cheaper for myself ).


I have found that I am much more comfortable holding a long position than a short.

What can I do about it?

Any discomfort, if one does not know the reason, can be eliminated by training and practice. Honestly.

I, on the other hand, am only selling quietly.

I explain it by saying that I am afraid of a precipitous fall (like growth cannot be so precipitous).

What to do? Not to trade, definitely. Cheaper for myself )

I have the same thing - the selves according to manual trading statistics prevail.

I usually have sharp and large falls, while rises are sluggish and prolonged. Although, again, it depends on the instrument. We just seldom trade the instruments that are rapidly growing.

Any discomfort, unless one knows the cause, can be remedied by training and practice. Honestly.

I'm trying. Honestly :)


Dips tend to be sharp and significant in magnitude, while growth is sluggish and stretched out in time.

It's a stereotype that came from the foundations. When I was building zigzags on currency indices, I was finally convinced.

For example the dollar is the most "calm" currency, therefore all inverse majors (like USDCHF USDCAD) following your Andrei logic should be traded backwards - i.e. longs should prevail.

Just as a little topic for reflection :)

You could also throw in inflationary logic.