MetaTrader 5 Conference - Automated and Algorithmic Trading On the Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange - page 5


Yes, better here :)))

Just a remark: there is a Slav here, butwe are not Slavs,we are Bulgarians ! (Language, names and script are the same -but the dialect is different ).

Read history :))) (not just the official one, of course).

Don't worry, nobody is encroaching on your national identity. It is simply customary in this country to associate the Bulgars with the South Slavic tribes, even though the Bulgars have their roots in the Volga region.

Butwe are not Slavs,we are Bulgarians! (language, names and script are the same - Bulgarian, only the dialect is different)

my wife still remembers Cyril and Methodius at this point :)))
my wife still remembers Cyril and Methodius at this point :)))
Classmates? Or just peers? :)
Classmates? Or just the same age? :)

The Bulgarians believe that Cyril and Methodius were Bulgarians -> it was the Bulgarians who gave the uneducated Slavs their writing.

Though why they think so - I will not argue, I have forgotten my school history. However, the accuracy of the description of what was more than 1K years ago has always made me skeptical. Speaking of "Khazar mission" (available on the same page of descriptions), it was very interestingly treated by Milorad Pavich in his famous"Khazar dictionary" (incidentally, I recommend reading it, although the reading is unusual and heavy, in addition, really book can be read from any place and in any order - the main thing is to read the entire book). All the participants described the results in different ways.

Well, my wife is of the same nationality (but not citizenship :)) as Manov. Well, it is customary to agree with wives (to save time and nerves :))


The Bulgarians believe that Cyril and Methodius were Bulgarians -> it was the Bulgarians who gave the uneducated Slavs their writing.

Cyril himself wrote ! ;)

If my wife says that whole Russia and Ukrajina (and others) now speak and write in Bulgarian dialect there is no need to argue - it is a historical fact !!! :)))

Your historianscall the written language "Slavonic", "Church Slavonic", "Old Slavonic". but actually it is Bulgarian :) How the Bulgarians imposed the Bulgarianlanguage for all Slavs is also a little secret :)))

If you want to get rid of school misconceptions I can help you ;). First of all, read what"Glagolitic" means...

If you want to get rid of those misconceptions, I can help you, first of all read up on the meaning of 'Glagolitic' and then go to the forum and read it.


Глаголица — Википедия
Глаголица — Википедия
Тип: Языки: Место возникновения: Создатель: Период: Направление письма: Происхождение: Диапазон Юникода: ISO 15924: «Житие Кирилла» так рассказывает о создании славянской азбуки: С помощью своего брата, святого Мефодия (Михаила) и учеников Горазда, Климента, Саввы, Наума и Ангеляра он составил славянскую азбуку и...

People of Earth, what the hell practical difference does it make to you who invented it and who Cyril's grandmother was by nationality.

History has been rewritten a hundred times. It's bullshit to argue about who is right. It's better to just be friends.)


People of Earth, what the hell practical difference does it make to you who invented it and who Cyril's grandmother was by nationality.

History has been rewritten a hundred times. It's bullshit to argue about who is right. It's better to just be friends.)

... And speak the same language. Oops! Question is, what language? :)
... And speak the same language. Oops! Question is, which one? :)

I wouldn't mind broadening my horizons and learning Bulgarian, Macedonian :) Our languages! Very close group, cases, endings, sentence construction. Very close to Russian, Ukrainian. You read an article or a newspaper in Bulgarian and in principle you understand a lot...

there is a saying - how many languages you know, how many times you are human.

For example in the Netherlands or Switzerland, in many families they speak two or even three languages.
On western Ukraine for example in the border areas many families speak Hungarian/Polish + Russian + Ukrainian. They also learn English or German at school.

And it is great.