Algo-Sniffing - page 5


Dear, look at the contract specs and the relevant time reports about the test run. We have no right to broadcast stock exchange quotes, this is the job of brokers.

The next time you try to make up a lead, you will go to ban. No one will listen to your inventions and categorical statements without a modicum of knowledge.

At this point I consider the topic closed. Thank you all for your attention.
The topic does not match the capabilities of the terminal. It is already obvious that MT5 will never be a stock exchange terminal and therefore it is not possible to use these algorithms.
If you can, for clarity's sake, give me an example of an algorithm (and how you understand it) which you think is impossible/complicated to use.
Renat: You can go back there too - there is nothing to discuss with you.

Well, passions are running high. Dear ones, don't lose your heads (in every sense) we need you.

Please pay attention to the title of the thread. There is no mention of the platform. Let's discuss stock algorithms in the tone we need, not that there is no MT. Implementation is a second matter, if there was something to implement. We have people with direct hands; if you cannot implement it on MT, you can implement it on something else.

It is the problem of metaquoteurs to adequately assess and forecast the market and the needs of their customers (including their customers' needs). Let's leave that heavy burden to them, they have their own head on their shoulders.


Well, passions are running high. Dear ones, don't lose your heads (in every sense) we need you.

Please pay attention to the title of the thread. There is no mention of the platform. Let's discuss stock algorithms in the tone we need, not that there is no MT. The implementation is a second matter, if there was something to implement. We have people with direct hands; if you cannot implement it on MT, you can implement it on something else.

It is the problem of metaquoteurs to adequately assess and forecast the market and the needs of their customers (including their customers' needs). Let's leave them that heavy burden, they have their own head on their shoulders.

You need to know the global context of the character to understand the reasons for bans in the local context.

There's a good reason for that. One has long operated exclusively as a pest for whom there are no internal stoppers of reason, and the other is moving in the same direction at an accelerated pace.

It's all flooded again.
Here's on topic:
Dark pools.

As you already know, the US markets are traded through a huge number of market centres. But in addition to those market centres that are visible in the "glass", there are also hidden ones called "Dark pools". In essence, they are exactly the same electronic trading systems as Bats, Arca, Edgx, etc, except that quotations at these market centres are invisible to market participants. Nevertheless, in the "Time and Sells" window, you can see all the trades on these market centres. However, it should not be forgotten that the order execution system in many "dark pools" is different from the one in open market centres. Today the parallel system of order execution is the most relevant. This means that when you place your order at a given market centre, you will not have to wait for all of the orders that were placed at the same price before your order is executed. Once a market order reaches this market centre, it will be split into a set of 1 lot orders and this set of orders will in turn be sent out to execute all limit orders, one minimum market order for each limit order, and so on in sequence. If there are more limit orders than there are market orders then the execution starts over again until all market orders have been filled.

Hidden orders.

These are so-called hidden orders. Almost every market centre allows lay traders to place such orders. There are two types of such orders - fully hidden and partially hidden, known as "icebergs". Thus, if the hidden order is not visible in the general order queue, in the case of the "iceberg" order, the trader can choose which part of it to make visible or which to hide. The execution of the hidden order is performed only after all open orders in the queue are executed. In the case of the "iceberg", the hidden part will be executed by the rules of fully hidden orders, and the open part - by the rules of the open order. In this case, once the open part of the order is executed, another part of the volume specified in the order will be placed as an open order. This will be the case until the entire hidden part of the order is executed. This type of requests primarily serves the purpose of execution of large orders. The main purpose of using such orders is not to influence the market.

Bids inside the spread.

Although there is a regulated price step of 1 cent at all market centres, there is an opportunity to place orders in increments of half a cent. This feature is available on most electronic systems. Such bids are not displayed in the tumbler, but their share in total volume of deals is large enough, especially in the most liquid stocks.

Taken from this thread:
Параллельные вычисления в MetaTrader 5 штатными средствами
Параллельные вычисления в MetaTrader 5 штатными средствами
  • 2010.11.24
  • Andrew
Время является неизменной ценностью на протяжении всей истории человечества, и мы стремимся не расходовать его понапрасну. Из этой статьи вы узнаете, как можно ускорить работу вашего эксперта, если у вашего компьютера многоядерный процессор. Причем, реализация описываемого метода не требует знания каких-либо еще языков кроме MQL5.
Taken from this thread:
Answered in that thread.

My couple of sentences, don't mind me.

You are talking about some lofty matters here. This is all true, but before it comes to that, the terminal must have normal stock charts. Usually, the chart shows the price of the last deal and the real traded volume, but not bids and asks and obscure ticks. This is the fundamental thing that differentiates the kitchens from the exchanges - transparency and accessibility of information about the trading progress. Second, you need a Time&Sales window, preferably with ecn's, with markdowns of darkpools and other things. And it would be very good to have Level2 with indication of roaming (you have aggregate cup without these tricks), that's for bids and asks. Imbelances need to broadcast, quite specific information, now this chip does not work, but a few years ago, even complete morons made a fortune on it (of course they lost everything later on a normal market, but nevertheless). We need to broadcast pre- and post-market with appropriate restrictions on the types of orders at that time. On symbols we need built-in filters and screeners/scanners/radar, this is another type of information, read another very necessary and separate window, but not a chart. More intelligent hotkeys with the ability to chain scripts to them. Possibility to link different windows into coherent groups, change a symbol in one window, change everywhere else where there is a link. An example of such severe, but very nice and sufficient for trade is arche. An example of stability is steerling, an example of ligthspeed. An example of a lot of things little by little and superficially - ninja, etc. When all of this appears, at least in some minimum, then we will be able to say that the platform is suitable for real trading in exchanges, and not just for entertainment of programmers who think that they trade somewhere.

PS. unfortunately distracted, I'll add more. If we're talking about American equities, for example, we need somewhere on the chart or in the order window to see if you can short it now. Hardtobars are dynamic, they change over time. Besides, we must see, if trading is not stopped at this moment for this share, almost every day at least one stock is held, many wait for the moment when the hold is removed - it is very cool to make profit, as well as to get in. Plus, you need to see if UpTickRule is not set on this action, at this moment. Also, you need support for orders such as MOC, MOO, LOC, or simulation of them, as some have, but it is better to have exit with them on exchange server.

And so on. In general, you need a lot of things for trading at the exchange, because the exchange is not just prices and volumes, and a lot of related information. And that's without mentioning portfolios.

+ when it comes down to will be MT-7 at least

My couple of stents, no disrespect.

Careful. A couple more posts like this and you'll be a candidate for ban #3. We don't talk much to pests (I used to be one myself, but now I've been reeducated by the party).

Bids within the spread.

Although all market centres have a regulated price step of 1 cent, it is possible to place orders in half-cent increments. This feature is available on most electronic systems. Such orders are not displayed in the tumbler, but their proportion in the total volume of deals is large enough, especially in the most liquid stocks.

Taken from this thread:
This is generally true, but there are nuances in particular. Yes, you can get up in some places with half-cents, but there's another thing, with darkpools in T&S the trades usually pile up to 3-4 decimal places. Clearly, people there have agreed amongst themselves somewhere how much a certain pile of sherds will cost, and the price is calculated by dividing the total price by the volume, i.e. the opposite is not the case with regular trading.