Real work on MT5 NDD - page 5

You can manipulate these same charts with your bids. If you want to limit the price, please do so. If you want to decrease the average spread, you are welcome to do so. Note that you can do all of this without the execution of your orders. Just have time to move them, and that is all. So should you focus so clearly on charts?
What then? I do not know a better way. Do you have to guess?
What, then? I don't know any better way. How about guessing?
Charts, paradoxically. I just got into my own jungle again, as I am actively practicing it all. I do not need to take into account such nuances, because "thick-skinned" strategies are written for small volumes.

... For example, they saw huge volume in a glass at some level, and as soon as bestPrice started to approach it, it either broke even or simply disappeared. But the hamsters moved the price to the place the phantom bidder wanted. A lot of nuances, in general.

Just the other day I heard an interesting figure: individual traders on the NYSE generate only about 5% of the volume. This is a very approximate estimate, but it was made by a very knowledgeable person. The exact information is not known, since the trade orders do not contain "who" tags, although now, after the flash crash and the BATS IPO kill, there are persistent voices to introduce such tags.

Consequently, the hamsters can't move anything anywhere. Here, by the way, is a link to technical analysis in the form of charting. All figures on the chart are the reflection of the crowd behaviour. But there are less and less crowds in the market. There used to be much less institutional traders, and now they are in overwhelming majority. Hence the decline in global market volatility.


Just the other day I heard an interesting figure: individual traders on the NYSE generate only about 5% of the volume. This is a very rough estimate, but it was made by a very knowledgeable person. The exact information is not known, since the trade orders do not contain "who" tags, although now, after the flash crash and the BATS IPO kill, there are persistent voices to introduce such tags.

Consequently, hamsters cannot move anything anywhere.

Hedge funds and investment banks can act as hamsters as well. They are not only individual traders, among whom, to be fair, there are some who can be excellent competitors for the institutionalists, because they are able to advance new types of strategies more quickly in response to changing market conditions. But for my part, as a practitioner, I can only speak for FOREX. I have very little stock market knowledge and zero practical experience.

There are no problems with market execution on the real.

Yes, the news may cause 50 or 100 pips slippage. But the instant execution will not save us in this case - they will just miss a position. And if the brokerage company is not very honest, may open a position, but with a delay and when the price is on the other side.)

Try it, the speed of execution should pleasantly surprise you.

Thank you.

If I use an Instant Execution I may leave a slippage and not go for a requote.

Easy average spread on NDD shows 5 pips (5-digit), the commission for the transaction in the recalculation of the spread is 4 pips (5-digit).

It turns out that the average loss is 1 standard pip. In this situation, any additional slippage of 1 standard pip

nullifies the advantage, because the spread is fixed at 2 pips, and there is an opportunity not to agree on a new price.

Of course the plus side is the execution speed.


I have been trading with this broker on MT5 for 2 weeks. Execution is within 1 second. Slippage is both positive and negative. Spreads on the franc pairs are satisfying. Day 3 is also happy with the fluffy AUDNZD.

Alpha forex on MT5 has almost instant execution with no slippage. But the spreads are fixed.

I have my account number next to it)))

The problem is that I haven't found any comments on this topic on the forums and I don't think we should discuss brokerage companies on this site.

I dont know many brokerage companies that offer MT5 and NDD so I decided to post a question here.

But I've seen an opinion on one brokerage company and it is even available on Youtube.

The situation there is the same as in my original question)

This is not Fibo.


Another interesting point. I was writing a robot earlier to calculate ticks.

This is what it shows on NDD. The price does not change, but the ticks go...


In general terms, a tick is a unit of measure of market time. Time is a measure of change. That is, if the market situation does not change - time stands still (ticks do not go). And what is the current market situation - is the information about all (as a rule, the nearest) bids of market participants. I.e. this is Level2. So, if Level2 does not change, then the market time is stable, and therefore there are no ticks. As soon as Level2 changes (it does not necessarily have to be a change of one of the BestPrices), you will immediately get a new tick, which gives information about the current market situation. For this to happen, it is enough that one of the bids appears, disappears or changes in price or volume.

But since in your case you only see BestPrices and even without volumes corresponding to them, you are watching the ticks go (Level2 changes) and the BestPrices stay in place.

To avoid negative slippage, replace market orders with limiters at the current price. If a broker has limiters (including TakeProfit) implemented through market orders, run away from them. Because this is a lazy and therefore very common scheme for implementing limiters in MT-bridges. Look for a broker that implements limiters through limiters. Then you will never run into negative slippage, and you will always have the added bonus of positive slippage. This will have a very positive effect on your strategy's maturity expectation in the end.
hrenfx, aren't there any ready-made scripts to check the nds, esn osn, limiters implementations? Or at least a rating of brokers from you (in person).