Questions from Beginners MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 - page 1160

Juan Fernandez:

When you have 600 warnings, you need to find the lines with errors (I actually have more if I enable strict mode)

Double-click on a warning and the editor takes you exactly to where the warning is. It usually takes a few seconds to correct it.

I, and many others here, don't have a single warning in the enormous size of the source code. It's simple.

Juan Fernandez:

When you have 600 warnings, you need to find lines with errors (I actually have more if I enable strict mode)

And almost all the warnings are useless. Because many of them are about hidden variables or type conversions. Some people might think you can make a mistake with this, but it's not common among experienced programmers.

It's very easy to remove such an error by switching the warning and pasting from Copy Paste, do it once and you won't be a novice,

only at first glancetype conversions are difficult

Juan Fernandez:

When you have 600 warnings, you need to find lines with errors (I actually have more if I enable strict mode)

And almost all the warnings are useless. Because many of them are about hidden variables or type conversions. Maybe some people think you can get it wrong, but that's not common among experienced programmers.

Mt4 was justified for beginners. But the current mql5 language is sophisticated enough to have a purpose for beginners. And experienced programmers don't need 600 lines about something clearly done for a reason

Obviously this is my subjective opinion, but other languages let you decide how much verbose level you want

How do I activate strict mode? I can't find it.


How do I activate strict mode? I can't find it.

#property strict


#property strict

What does THIS have to do with the MQL5 language?

fxsaber :

Double-click on the warning - and the editor moves exactly to the place where the warning is. As a rule, correct it - a few seconds.

I and many here in the huge source codes do not have a single warning. It's simple.

I think you got it wrong. I have a terminal tab search every line with an error between many warnings, which makes the search slow When I find an error, I click it for the source code go. But until you find a line in the terminal tab, it can take you a long time, because you have many lines with warnings.

If at least the warnings and errors are sorted, things will be easier. But the compiler shows that everything is mixed up in a mess

Juan Fernandez:

I think you've got it wrong. I have a terminal tab search every line with an error between many warnings, which makes the search slow When I find an error, I click it for the source code go. But until you find the line in the terminal tab, it can take you a long time because you have many lines with warnings.

If at least the warnings and errors are sorted, things will be easier. But the compiler shows that everything is mixed up in a mess.

Give me an example of broken MQL5 code. There is no problem going from warning to line of code.


This relates to MT4 and we are on MT5.

How do I activate this mode in 5?

Vladimir Karputov:

What does THIS have to do with the MQL5 language?

Doesn't this key work in mql5?
I always put it on automatically ))


Doesn't this key work in mql5?
I always put it, it's automatic already))

And it doesn't work, not a single warning.