Questions from Beginners MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 - page 905


if(iTime(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i+1)!=iTime(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i)&& how do I write this? )

You need to extract date from time[i] and compare it with time[i+1]. If they are not equal, then extract time from time[i] and compare with given time. If they are the same, put in a line.

How all this is extracted - I have shown in the script. All that remains is to think about it.

Artyom Trishkin:

You need to extract the date from time[i] and compare it with time[i+1]. If not equal, extract the time from time[i] and compare it with the given time. If they are the same, draw a line.

How it's all extracted - I've shown in the script. All that's left to do is think about it.

Friday night, thinking badly) Nothing builds. Why?

   datetime date1=time[i]; 
   datetime date2=time[i+1];
   MqlDateTime str1,str2; 
Artyom Trishkin:

then extract the time from time[i] and compare it with the set time.

Probably time[i+1], I need to put the line to the previous day after the close of the day.



Stupid question but still, please help)

I entered a trade at some price, I always long) And I compare the price of the trade with the current bid, if we increased by 0.5% I close.Cursed at bid(((

   if(MA1_buf[1]>Close_buf[1] && MA1_buf[0]<Close_buf[0])          //если значение индикатора были выше цены закрытия и стали ниже
      if(m_Position.Select(my_symbol))                             //если уже существует позиция по этому символу
         if((m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY) && (fabs(DEAL_PRICE-Bid[0])/DEAL_PRICE)>= 0.005) m_Trade.PositionClose(my_symbol);   //и тип этой позиции Buy, то закрываем ее
      m_Trade.Buy(0.1,my_symbol);                                 //если дошли сюда, значит позиции нет, открываем ее

I entered a trade at some price, I am always longing)And I compare the price of the trade with the current bid, if we went up by 0.5% I close.It swears at bid(((

Probably because this is MQL5. There is no "bid" here butSymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_BID)



Stupid question but still, please help)

I entered the trade at some price, I always long) And I compare the price of the trade with the current bid, if we rose by 0.5% I close.It swears at bid(((

You're right to swear. There is no such array with Bid prices in MQL5.

Replace it with


and before the cycle do not forget to update the prices:

Vladimir Karputov:

And he is right to swear. There is no such array with Bid prices in MQL5.

Replace it with

and before the loop do not forget to update the prices:

I have done it in two different ways:

1) Expert Advisor works, but unfortunately it does not give me the idea. It is simple, I buy when the previous candle closed below and the next one closed above. And I close only if the price rose by 0.5%.

It makes strange deals(((

   if(MA1_buf[1]>Close_buf[1] && MA1_buf[0]<Close_buf[0])          //если значение индикатора были выше цены закрытия и стали ниже
      if(m_Position.Select(my_symbol))                             //если уже существует позиция по этому символу
         if((m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY) && (SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_BID)-DEAL_PRICE)/DEAL_PRICE>= 0.005) m_Trade.PositionClose(my_symbol);   //и тип этой позиции Buy, то закрываем ее
      m_Trade.Buy(0.1,my_symbol);                                 //если дошли сюда, значит позиции нет, открываем ее

2) My method is as follows:

   if(MA1_buf[1]>Close_buf[1] && MA1_buf[0]<Close_buf[0])          //если значение индикатора были выше цены закрытия и стали ниже
      if(m_Position.Select(my_symbol))                             //если уже существует позиция по этому символу
         if((m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY) && (m_symbol.Bid())-DEAL_PRICE)/DEAL_PRICE>= 0.005) m_Trade.PositionClose(my_symbol);   //и тип этой позиции Buy, то закрываем ее
      m_Trade.Buy(0.1,my_symbol);                                 //если дошли сюда, значит позиции нет, открываем ее

I think I messed up(((.

It generates an error:


Did it in two different ways:

1) The Expert Advisor works, but unfortunately it does not implement the idea. It is simple, I buy when the previous candle closed lower and the next one closed higher. And I close only if the price went up 0.5%.

It makes strange deals(((

2) My method is as follows:

I think I messed up(((.

It gives out an error:

Open any of my code and there you will see both m_symbol and RefreshRates.

Vladimir Karputov:

Open any of my code and you will see both m_symbol and RefreshRates there.

Thank you. I've read it and done it.

Now I can't figure out why the algorithm doesn't work.

1)   if(MA1_buf[1]>Close_buf[1] && MA1_buf[0]<Close_buf[0])          //если значение индикатора были выше цены закрытия и стали ниже
2)      if(m_Position.Select(Symbol()))                             //если уже существует позиция по этому символу
2*)    m_Trade.Buy(0.1,Symbol());                                 //если дошли сюда, значит позиции нет, открываем ее
3)  if 
   ((m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY) && (((m_symbol.Bid()-DEAL_PRICE)/DEAL_PRICE)>= 0.1))
         m_Trade.PositionClose(Symbol());   //и тип этой позиции Buy, то закрываем ее

What happens is the following: the purchase is made under the condition

1) If the condition is fulfilled;

2) I check whether there is already an open position, if there is, I go to point 3), if not, I open a 2*)

3) If the position is buy, and the condition is fulfilled that the price has increased by 10% from the entry price, then I close it.

In the test, the following happens, position opens and closes, not on conditions (( Again, please help!


Thank you. I've done the reading.

Now I can't figure out why the algorithm doesn't work.

What happens is the following: the purchase is made under the condition

1) If the condition is fulfilled;

2) I check whether there is already an open position, if there is, I go to point 3), if not, I open a 2*)

3) If the position is buy, and the condition is fulfilled that the price has increased by 10% from the entry price, then I close it.

When testing the following happens, position opens and closes, not on conditions (( Again, please help!

I propose the following algorithm:

   if(MA1_buf[1]>Close_buf[1] && MA1_buf[0]<Close_buf[0]) //если значение индикатора были выше цены закрытия и стали ниже
      if(m_Position.Select(Symbol())) //если уже существует позиция по этому символу
         if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY && (m_symbol.Bid()-m_Position.PriceOpen())/m_Position.PriceOpen()>=0.1)
            m_Trade.PositionClose(Symbol());   //и тип этой позиции Buy, то закрываем ее
         m_Trade.Buy(0.1,Symbol()); //если дошли сюда, значит позиции нет, открываем ее

Pay attention to m_Position.PriceOpen()