Questions from Beginners MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 - page 684

Vladislav Andruschenko:
It's bad enough when they move a branch and you're not subscribed to it.
There's no other way to subscribe. There's no other way.
Suggest that there should be an auto-subscription to all topics in which you have posts. it would be handy...
Vladimir Karputov:
The only way to do this is to sign by hand. There's no other way.
Thank you for moving the topic, but it was still a bearish favor. Sorry.
Vladimir Karputov:
Comments not relevant to this topic have been moved to"What does DecreaseFactor>0 mean in this code".
And when you move a question to a separate topic, can't you put the author of the topic whose question you're moving, because of greed? It's better to be credited for your reputation than for someone else's?
Movlat Baghiyev:
Thanks a lot for moving the topic, but it was a disservice to the bears.

Write directly in the right section and there will be no postponement.

Alexey Viktorov:
And when you postpone a question to a separate topic to put the author of the thread whose question you postpone does not allow greed? You'd rather be credited for your reputation than for someone else's?

The forum engine does not allow to appoint another author (at least moderators do not have this possibility). But the question will ask, thank you.

Vladimir Karputov:

Write directly in the right section and there will be no postponement.

The forum engine does not allow to appoint another author (at least moderators do not have this possibility). But I will ask the question, thank you.

Then do not touch it at all. What rules have been broken? Where is it written that you can't ask questions in this thread? Aren't you taking too much on yourself?
Alexey Viktorov:
Then don't touch it at all. What rules have been broken? Where is it written that you can't ask questions in this thread? Aren't you taking too much on yourself?
For starters, please learn to address your interlocutor as "you". An insulting tone on the forum will not be tolerated.
Vladimir Karputov:
For starters, please learn how to address your interlocutor as "you". An insulting tone at the forum will not be tolerated.

It's not you who is insulting, it's you who is respectful. But there's no respect for that kind of thing. So bear with me... The more you do it the more users will not respect you.

Want me to attach a picture?


There is no problem and it was moved correctly.

Just need to correct the branch name, i.e. add MQL5


In connection with the transfer of my question, a question arose: what questions can be asked in this thread, so that the question has not been moved to another topic?

I was hoping they would tell me where to go, how to ask the right question, and explain the basics, but then bam, and there it is.