Questions from Beginners MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 - page 227

Strange to hear you say that - you've probably never read a book on money management when playing roulette. Martin is also an MM and comes from roulette... Never mind, just to be clear...

It was ironic)) I haven't met any people who play roulette who follow MM. Haven't read any books like that either.

But I have read The Death of Achilles. However, now Akunin is dead to me as a writer.

Place your bets, for God's sake. It's got nothing to do with me.

Update: I also read The Queen of Spades. Have you read it? Also about signals and money management.)


It was ironic)) I haven't met any people who play roulette who follow MM. Haven't read any such books either.

But I've read "The Death of Achilles". However, Akunin is dead to me as a writer now.

Place your bets, for God's sake. It's got nothing to do with me.

Update: The Queen of Spades. Have you read it? It's also about signals and money management.)

О! The Queen of Spades is a masterpiece! Why is Akunin dead as a writer? I just listened to an audiobook (too lazy to read) by V. Aksenov. "Island of Crimea. Highly recommended. 1980г. As if looking into the future. Well, at least the parallels are very noticeable....
Oh! The Queen of Spades is a masterpiece! Why did Akunin die as a writer? I just listened to an audiobook (too lazy to read) by V. Aksenov. "Island of Crimea. Highly recommended. 1980г. As if looking into the future. Well, at least the parallels are very noticeable....

When you see how cheap publicity is given to some personalities, you understand the price of these personalities. This applies to all swamp scum, and Akunin in particular. Even if they're seven inches tall, I don't want to go with them. I've already said enough about the ban, there will be time for books)).
Recently came across "The Red Wheel" by Solzhenitsyn. That's the bomb. Was scared to start, but downloaded the audiobook (1 part, it's 10 hours of audio) and even listened to it for a while. Gathering my courage to go on)).
His interviews, including one about CC.

Sorry about the offtops.


In mql5, how can you define a function taking a variable number of parameters (say, like Print) without writing something like

func(int var1=NULL, int var2=NULL,...) ?? I am too lazy to write many parameters :). And Print itself may take different types - how to organize it? Not to write about overloading - I can't describe all possible combinations...


In mql5, how can you define a function taking a variable number of parameters (say, like Print) without writing something like

func(int var1=NULL, int var2=NULL,...) ?? I am too lazy to write many parameters :). And Print itself may take different types - how to organize it? Not to write about overloading - I can't describe all possible combinations...

Look at templates

Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Объектно-ориентированное программирование / Шаблоны функций
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Объектно-ориентированное программирование / Шаблоны функций
Основы языка / Объектно-ориентированное программирование / Шаблоны функций - Документация по MQL5
How do I create a signal if the account itself was previously subscribed to other signals ?
How do I create a signal if my account was previously subscribed to other signals?
You can not, it is forbidden by the rules of the signals service, you should create a new account or connect the current one, that you have not copied signals to.

Good afternoon. This may be an off-topic question.

Can you tell me which broker has the minimum delay (ping)?

The question is off-topic, brokers are not discussed here. You don't have to ask a question twice on two forums.

How to sort multiple arrays???

There are several one-dimensional arrays - each array has entries relative to some event. I want to sort the first array in ascending order, and the others in the same order as the first. i.e.




As a result, they should take the form




The number of arrays is unknown. Well, that is, of course, it's known, but it's different for different tasks. For some reason, you can't pass an empty one by default - i.e.

bool ArraysSort(int &arr[], int &arr1[]=NULL) - does not work.

I have some ideas but maybe somebody has a better variant.


How to sort multiple arrays???

There are several one-dimensional arrays - each has entries relative to some event. I want to sort the first array in ascending order, and the others in the order of the first. i.e.




As a result, they should take the form




The number of arrays is unknown. Well, that is, of course, it's known, but it's different for different tasks. For some reason, you can't pass an empty one by default - i.e.

bool ArraysSort(int &arr[], int &arr1[]=NULL) - does not work.

I have some ideas but maybe somebody has a better variant.

Work out an algorithm. Sort the first array, remember places and sort out the rest in the same way. Or just use a multidimensional array.