Questions from Beginners MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 - page 80

I want to put a stock (futures) into MT5 to test mine, how?
you can't. look for a brokerage house with the futures
No way. look for a brokerage house with this futures

%))) There is no DC with this fuchs))) It has to be glued together...

It's a pity, it's a pity, and it all started so beautifully...


Greetings all!

I am trying to implement two functions in my EA, the first defines profit of the last trade, the second defines lot of the last trade.

I searched through this site from A to Z and made several functions, following the examples in articles and other EAs, but no result - both functions always return 0.00.

Here seems to me to be the closest to the correct variant but the result is always 0:

double LossLastPos(){
// --- определение границ требуемой торговой истории
   datetime end=TimeCurrent();                 // текущее серверное время
   datetime start=end-PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_D1);// установим начало на сутки назад
//--- запросим в кэш программы торговую историю за день
//--- получим количество ордеров в истории
   int history_orders=HistoryOrdersTotal();
//--- получим тикет ордера из истории, имеющего последний индекс в списке
   ulong order_ticket=HistoryOrderGetTicket(history_orders-1);
   if(order_ticket>0) // получили в кэш исторический ордер, работаем с ним
      //Получаем значение прибыли последнего ордера
      double  profit = HistoryDealGetDouble(order_ticket,DEAL_PROFIT);

I try to get the lot size in the same way:

double  volume = HistoryDealGetDouble(order_ticket,DEAL_VOLUME);

And nothing works, the values are always zero.

I myself have just started migration from mql4 to mql5. Implementation of such functions in mql4 was not very difficult, but here is a deadlock.

Please advise me a real, working solution.



Please suggest a real, working solution.

Use HistoryDealGetTicket() and HistoryDealsTotal().

And do the validation:

      // ...

tol64 thank you very much! Everything is working.

Here is a 100% working solution - the function returns the profit of the last closed position in terminal history:

//|Функция возвращает профит последней позиции                       |
double ProfitLastPos()
// --- определение границ требуемой торговой истории
   datetime end=TimeCurrent();                 // текущее серверное время
   datetime start=end-PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_D1);// установим начало на сутки назад
//--- запросим в кэш программы торговую историю за день
      //--- получим количество сделок в истории
      int history_orders=HistoryDealsTotal();
      //--- получим тикет сделки из истории, имеющей последний индекс в списке
      ulong order_ticket=HistoryDealGetTicket(history_orders-1);

      if(order_ticket>0) // получили в кэш историческую сделку, работаем с ней

By analogy we get the lot size of the last trade:

 Volume = HistoryDealGetDouble(order_ticket,DEAL_VOLUME);

tol64 thank you very much! It's all working.


And if you also press Ctrl+ in the editor, you'll get neatly formatted code. Especially important before uploading the example to the forum (better readability). ))
If you also press Ctrl+ in the editor, you will get neatly formatted code. This is especially important before uploading the example to the forum (better readability). ))
Styled the code, thanks again!

Good day! I have recently started to learn MQL5. I have a problem with position closing. In code: if(!m_Trade.PositionClose(_Symbol,100))//--- close position by current symbol. The result is that the position is reversed! I would be very grateful for a hint, how can I close a position?

//--------  блок работы с длинной позицией  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         if( p_close1 <  buy_stop_level   )// если бар 1 закрылся ниже уровня стоп
          if(!m_Trade.PositionClose(_Symbol,100))//--- закрываем позицию по текущему символу
      //--- сообщим о неудаче
      Print("Метод PositionClose() потерпел неудачу. Код возврата=",m_Trade.ResultRetcode(),
            ". Описание кода: ",m_Trade.ResultRetcodeDescription());
       Print("Метод PositionClose() выполнен успешно. Код возврата=",m_Trade.ResultRetcode(),
            " (",m_Trade.ResultRetcodeDescription(),")");       

EA log after the bar has closed below the stop level. Long position = 1 lot, short position = 1 lot)