Market: pricing as a threshold of entry - page 4

I doubt it!
About what?
What is it?

That you're not a programmer.

I only visit your only thread on the forum, I don't read anything else at all.


That you're not a programmer.

I only visit your only thread on the forum, I don't read anything else at all.

I am honestly not a programmer.
It's been around for a long time, it's been written about here on the forum, and I've mentioned it in this thread for the sake of order. Only this leaves the question open - how do we know how many will be willing? Maybe there will be "not once 10 times". It is unlikely that MCs will be happy if developers will litter a forum with polls like "who wants so-and-so for $10 - raise your hand". And if they don't, the Market will be littered. Basically, hardware will take it all.
Again, you omitted an important detail, I suggested that the developers of MQ to make a survey directly in the profile of the product, then the forum will remain clean and the seller will have information on potential sales of their product.

I will not discuss the subject, because you have got it right. I will only give you two examples:

1. In the early 2000s, there was a high-profile case involving the arrest of a Russian programmer by the U.S. authorities and his indictment for tampering with Windows protection. The proof of this deed (protection tampering) was the description of the protection tampering method, which the programmer posted on one of the programmers' forums. Under US law, he was facing 20 years in prison.


All true, but if your programmer had not posted it publicly, and would have written to tech support sure would have received money instead of time.

SZZ Once again, code analysis is not a crime, the crime begins after you use this analysis to cause damage to the author.

Exactly, that's what he was told. But there was no commercial use in any of the first or second cases. According to your statement, that means there was no crime. What was the sentence for?

Once again, code analysis is not a crime, the crime starts after you use this analysis to cause damage to the author.

In this case, the person publicly disclosed the secret, so anyone could use the data, by the way, and proven use of an unlicensed copy also damages the author (that's for a schoolteacher).

Exactly, that's what he was told. But there was no commercial use in the first or second cases. According to your statement, it means that there was no crime. What's the time for?

The programmer, by posting the results of his work, did some damage to the company (including financially) and was punished for it.

As for the second case - the case is loud and famous, but let the gentlemen from Microsoft count the number of pirated copies of their OS in Russia...

Again you've left out an important detail, I was suggesting to the MQ developers to make it possible to survey directly in the product profile, then both the forum will remain clean and the seller will have information on the potential sales of their product.

No I didn't, what makes you think that? I'm for it. But you don't. And you would need to launch the product under some price first, before you do the survey.

So far it appears that the summary that put a rate above $ 10 is useless, because there is an opportunity to order the same thing for less money in Jobs. At least, this applies to my developments (mostly turkeys), in which the main idea, and having seen its description, to implement it again is not difficult.


Both in the thread about the cost of EAs, the Championship leaders, and in this thread, the top starters are trying to answer the question: How much does it cost to develop them? Whether it is an EA or an indicator, etc. And if we try to determine the cost in a different way. I hope no one will object that the purpose of buying any product in the market (Expert Advisor, indicator, library, script, etc.) is to eventually make a profit. That is, the buyer spends the money to purchase in order to make or increase profit. So, if the question "How much does the author's development cost?" is replaced by the following question: How much profit generated by the purchased product is the buyer willing to pay to the author for its development? If you estimate the value of products on the Market now or in the future through such an approach, the price can, by and large, be unconstrained. But how to implement such an approach in practice?

You can't. Because it is nonsense.
Recently on the forum there was an interesting topic concerning possible costs of Expert Advisors of the forthcoming Championship. Emphasis was placed on winners and EAs (apparently, as the quintessence of automated trading), although the question of cost applies to any script that is approved for publishing on the Market. So I'd like to expand on the subject...

Who has any thoughts?

Difficult. The simplicity of using the Market is lost.

There should be no auction. Only the developer himself can adequately price his product: he knows the guts of the product, the labour costs, the position in relation to other similar products, etc. The price should be set by the developer-seller.

If the product does not sell at its stated price, the reason is solely due to promotion. Promotion creates demand. MQ provides sellers with a target audience of consumers, it is up to the seller to communicate the value of the product to the buyers. Right now in the Market, the description of the free versions wins out over the paid products. Vendors should be more thorough in describing their products.