MQL5 programmer certification - page 4



SZS: Surprise better quality codes in theMarket section, maybe I'll buy the idea itself or implementation - that's a real offer from the programmer and I do not care whether the programmer knows how to code or he has a certificate, the main thing profit or the original idea itself.

Well, the account of surprise - I'm not a magician or wizard, not even a circus performer (for example, illusionist), so here I certainly can not please.

At the expense of the Market and the base - we'll see, maybe there will be my work. What to say about it beforehand.

At the expense of articles (discussed once) - "Dude is not a writer, Dude is a reader ..." On the account of the rest - as far as I'm concerned.

At the expense of the service work - most likely if and will be there only in the form of the customer address.

At the expense of everything else - as far as I know professional illusionists do not like to share the secrets of their skill, even in their own circle. so like many probably (but not all) can only offer implementation on acceptable terms.


And the certificate, whatever benefits and advantages it would not bear, I'm not very much, I would even say that it is still purely theoretical interest.


And for those who replenish the base or participate in services, as it seems, there are some benefits to obtain a certificate. So such a person as you (for that matter) with such a scheme would have all chances to get such a certificate automatically.

I don't need a certificate, I don't do bespoke programming.

I am only interested in the subject purely academically.

to TheXpert - Agreed.


Eh, couldn't take it.

1. Certification does not necessarily have to be done by Metaquotes, it could be the same Sergeev. Just with tacit (or not) consent.

2. Certifications should be for a fee, necessarily. You can have some, but then for each time.

3. Certification should be the same for everyone. The bullshit about gold and silver etc. -- is a scary nonsense.

About benefits, vending machines and service participants too.

1. It depends on what kind of certificates (what they will be and what benefits they will give) and how the certification itself will take place.

You may, for example, make testing in the form of a questionnaire with options (for time) and build it into the core of the site, you can give tasks for the time.

There may be a lot of variants.

2. At the expense of the fee - a separate issue and without a solution to the first makes no sense to discuss it. In general I agree - we need the fee (how much and from whom is a separate issue).

3. I agree here, too - for now it makes sense to talk about only one kind of certificates. Making other kinds or specialized certificates is at the discretion of CAs and developers.

4. I do not see any creepy mutism in a special (at least simplified) scheme for issuing certificates to those who have shown themselves in services or in the base (also we forgot about the articles).

Here it is necessary to take into account that it is not about all those who for example put a lot of things in the database that are not very clear and sometimes even incomplete. We are talking about a certain amount of professionally completed works that allows you to get a certain weight (in points or whatever) and proves the professionalism of the applicant.


I do not need a certificate, I am not engaged in custom programming.

I am only interested in the subject purely academically.

And I do not need it, at least while (well, I do not see any sultanas in it)... :)
I don't need it, at least not yet (I don't see any sultanas in it)... :)
Then why even write in this thread? You think they can't figure it out without you? Disappointing.
Then why even write in this thread? You think they can't figure it out without you? I'm disappointed.
I might see it while they're doing it, and then I won't get any tasty treats... :)
I will use the table and write my opinion

ProgrammerCertification Centre
+ not certified not to let the non-certified ones into the service (then the fact of certificate becomes a test for a new performer and the term "certificate" becomes redundant),
a plus, because there will be a hypothetical sifting of performers, which reduces the competition and allows to increase prices

+ gradation of the certificates - additional rating, which the client will have to look at. But the gradation is specific, such that everyone has essentially different sets. Most are by passing certain tests that can be passed at once. For example:
trader's certificate
technical analysis specialist certificate
Neural Networks Specialist Certificate, etc.
mt5 programming certificate,
mt4 programming certificate,
mt5 libraries certificate
AOP specialist certificate
certificate of participation in the championship of the year

- waste your time on certification

- extra work
- extra work

+ receives higher quality contractors
- receives higher prices
+ gets rating, in case of gradations in certificates and understands in what field a programmer is strong

...The code of the moonwalker control program is not syntactically different from the code of a web browser or file manager, you see? -not at all!

There is a story, I do not know if it is true or not, but it is very interesting and instructive - how a programmer killed a pilot. A very famous company was commissioned to develop on-board computer software for planes. The aircraft were tested over the Dead Sea. As it turned out during the investigation, the Dead Sea level is below ocean level, the aircraft is descending - altitude 0, dividing by zero.


There is a story, I don't know if it is true or not, but it is very interesting and instructive: how a programmer killed a pilot. A very famous company was commissioned to develop on-board computer software for aeroplanes. The aircraft were tested over the Dead Sea. As it turned out during the investigation, the Dead Sea level is below the ocean level, the plane goes down - altitude 0, division zero.

Yes, I heard that story too. There are many similar examples of 6-9 zeros worth equipment failures due to programmers' fault - that just characterizes them as specialists - bugs and logical errors, but not knowledge of space and aeronautics (in them programmers are a complete zero).

By the way, some Mars rovers use NVIDIA video cards, the usual, earthly desktop ones. I don't think the bios programmers of these graphics cards are certified to code specialized space hardware - why, I think you can guess. (last paragraph for Interesting)


There is a story, I don't know if it is true or not, but it is very interesting and instructive: how a programmer killed a pilot. A very famous company was commissioned to develop on-board computer software for aeroplanes. The aircraft were tested over the Dead Sea. As it turned out during the investigation, the Dead Sea level is below ocean level, the aircraft is descending - altitude 0, dividing by zero.


if checks were made in the code - the pilot would still be alive

if ( mDev == 0 )
   res = 0;
   res =  RRR / mDev

I am interested in certification from this point of view:

Аттестация (от фр. attestation от лат. attestātio — свидетельство, подтверждение) — определение квалификации, уровня знаний и умений чего-либо...

В обучении — установление уровня знаний, умений и навыков обучаемых по отношению к объёму и содержанию учебных дисциплин, представленных и утвержденных в учебных планах и учебных программах.

That is, in the absence of an MQL5 textbook, at least some sort of syllabus.