Public discussion of the formula for calculating the cost of resources in the MQL5 Cloud Network - page 41


Not in pure form, unless the rendering engine is rewritten to MQL5.

There are functions to return large arrays of data from the cludes. You can do something like this as an example.

Wow, that would be very interesting. I might even use it myself for 3D MAX (hobby).
Wow, that would be very interesting. Would probably even use for 3D MAX myself (hobby).

Check out the topic"Real-time optimization process control and transfer of massive data from agents in MetaTrader 5", just as a demonstration showing distributed image rendering:


Check out the topic"Real-time optimization process control and transfer of massive data from agents in MetaTrader 5", just as a demonstration shows distributed image rendering:


Yes, I remember that video. But how to use it for rendering images and videos from 3D MAX or other programs I don't understand yet.
Yes, I remember this video. But how to use it to render images and videos from 3D MAX or other programs I don't understand yet.
If there was some plugin (or group of plugins, for different programs) "out of the box", put it in, put in your username and password and everything worked - it would probably work in the cloud, and be convenient for the user.
If there were a plugin (or a group of plugins, for different programmes) "out of the box", put it in, put in your username and password and it would work - it would probably work in the cloud, and it would be convenient for the user.
I understand that if you need such a plugin, you'll have to write it yourself. I have no idea how it can be implemented. )) If someday the time will appear, then ask on the forums 3D MAX.
I understand that if necessary, such a plugin must be written by oneself. I do not even know how this can be done. )) If at some point I will have time, then ask on the forums 3D MAX.

I think MQ should be interested in such plugins in the first place. Because not every user, for example of 3D MAX, knows how to work with the cloud, and even in a programming language. Using someone else's work (plugins) can be dangerous, because you don't know what's inside, especially when it comes to money.

At the moment the calculation of mathematical problems is implemented, but who wants to study MQL5 to understand how all sorts of arrays and other things work, if you have to calculate there... well, some kind of protein. I.e. in my opinion what's missing is a "user interface", i.e. a set of software that would implement this bridge between specialized tasks and the cloud. It's all about "What should be added to provide additional support for universal mathematical calculations in MQL5 and MQL5 Cloud Network?".

I'm just saying that MQ has a "weight" and "plug-ins from manufacturers" inspire more trust than plug-ins created by some unknown person.


I think MQ should be interested in such plugins in the first place. Because not every user, for example of 3D MAX, knows how to work with the cloud, and even in a programming language. Using someone else's work (plugins) can be dangerous, because you don't know what's inside, especially when it comes to money.

At the moment the calculation of mathematical problems is implemented, but who wants to study MQL5 to understand how all sorts of arrays and other things work, if you have to calculate there... well, some kind of protein. I.e. in my opinion what's missing is a "user interface", i.e. a set of software that would implement this bridge between specialized tasks and the cloud. It's all about "What should be added for additional support of universal mathematical calculations in MQL5 and MQL5 Cloud Network?".

I'm just saying that MQ has some "weight" and "plugins from manufacturers" inspire more trust than those created by someone unknown at knee-jerk.

For the most part I agree. But I will only add that perhaps MQ, if we consider the cloud business in the long term development, need to develop a separate program from MT5 for mass non-trading related calculations. Otherwise, the trading platform will develop somewhere in the wrong direction and there will be a lot of distracting options. That is, why would someone who needs to render video clips from 3D MAX install a trading terminal? Seems illogical. All these charts and options he doesn't need. It would be much more convenient to have some separate program that would allow to connect not only 3D MAX, but many other programs to the cloud. Then the user would install such a program, and, for example, in 3D MAX, he would have to download and install a plugin (also from MQ), which would provide a link with the main program. The end result is that in order to merge any software where bulk computations are needed with the main program, a merging plugin must simply be written.

But you need to ask if something similar already exists. That is, to order the rendering is possible, there are many suggestions. But it would be cool if it was implemented in the way MQ offers. Very convenient, easy and simple.


I mostly agree. But I would only add that perhaps MQ, if we consider the cloud business in perspective, needs to develop a separate program from MT5 for mass non-trading calculations. Otherwise the trading platform is going somewhere in the wrong direction and there will be a lot of distracting options in it. That is, why would someone who needs to render video clips from 3D MAX install a trading terminal? Seems illogical. All these charts and options he doesn't need. It would be much more convenient to have some separate program that would allow to connect not only 3D MAX, but many other programs to the cloud. Then the user would install such a program, and, for example, in 3D MAX, he would have to download and install a plugin (also from MQ), which would provide a link with the main program. The bottom line is that in order to merge any software where bulk computations are needed with the main program, a merging plugin must simply be written.

But you need to ask if something similar already exists. That is, to order the rendering is possible, there are many suggestions. But it would be cool if it was implemented in the way MQ offers. Very convenient, easy and simple.

I agree, the idea is interesting, especially about a separate product not related to the trading platform. All that remains is to get MQ's opinion, identify potential problems and bottlenecks, and wait for implementation.

And then, indeed, the cloud will work for the masses. In the meantime, there is power but no vector :)


I mean, why would someone who needs to render video clips from 3D MAX install a trading terminal? Doesn't seem logical. All those charts and options he doesn't need. It would be much more convenient to have some separate program that would allow to connect not only 3D MAX, but also many other programs to the cloud.

We already have a separate program from the terminal - MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester Agent. The only thing is that, yes, it has to be modified for other tasks.
Скачать MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester Agent для работы в сети MQL5 Cloud Network
Скачать MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester Agent для работы в сети MQL5 Cloud Network
Подключайтесь к сети распределенных вычислений MQL5 Cloud Network и получайте дополнительный доход круглосуточно — пусть компьютер работает на вас!
There is already a separate programme from the terminal - MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester Agent. The only thing is that, yes, it has to be modified for other tasks.
So, it can be used without the installed terminal? Then the only thing left is to work on it a little and release the plug-ins for the army of 3D animation visualizers. ))