Questions from a "dummy" - page 184

Karlson: Although...
Well, I didn't write "using the functional notation of explicit type conversion" for nothing :)
Good afternoon! You know, I have a forte counter written in my software, from zero to... There are prints in the for counter, including Print ( i ). Anyway, I've turned the program on several times, the prints are written all the time from 63 to 143. Is this normal? I mean, it's not from zero? It has no time? But why strictly from 63?
//|                                                  htghtgfhthf.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                     |
#property copyright "Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
  ulong TicetTojSdelki=0;
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

  PositionSelect(   Symbol() );  Print ( "Start@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" ); 
  long PositionID =PositionGetInteger(POSITION_IDENTIFIER);//Идентификатор позиции - это уникальное число, которое присваивается каждой вновь открытой позиции и не изменяется в течение всей ее жизни. Переворот позиции не изменяет идентификатора позиции.
     TimeCurrent()-(60*60*24*7*4) ,    // с даты
     TimeCurrent()       // по дату
    for(int i=0; HistoryDealsTotal()>i; i++ ) {
       ulong TicetSdelki;
       i        // номер сделки
     long  HistoryID =  HistoryDealGetInteger(
         TicetSdelki               ,     // тикет
   DEAL_POSITION_ID          // идентификатор свойства
   );                          //Идентификатор позиции, в открытии, изменении или закрытии которой участвовала эта сделка. Каждая позиция имеет уникальный идентификатор, который присваивается всем сделкам, совершенным на инструменте в течение всей жизни позиции.
 Print ( i ); Print ( "HistoryID" ); Print ( HistoryID );  if( HistoryID!=0&&PositionID!=0&&PositionID==HistoryID ){ TicetTojSdelki= TicetSdelki;Print ( "TicetTojSdelki" ); Print ( TicetTojSdelki );}
//|                                                                  |
Good afternoon! You know, I have a forte counter written in my software, from zero to... There are prints in the for counter, including Print ( i ). Anyway, I've turned the program on several times, the prints are written all the time from 63 to 143. Is this normal? I mean, it's not from zero? It has no time? But why strictly from 63?
I also noticed, when I was actively using Print(), that there were no earlier messages. The experiment showed that output history is limited. By the way, who knows how to increase its depth?

Yes, that's what I understood.

Thank you! Where is this log file? The question isn't really important, though.

IE 6. Just can't figure out how MT5 is connected to IE.

Need to upgrade IE6.

It is used in Market visualisation.


Please explain why it takes 4 bytes:

struct Q
   unsigned char p1 : 4;
   unsigned char p2 : 5;
   unsigned char p3 : 5;
   unsigned char p4 : 5;

From such a thing, I expect to get a sequence of bits without gaps, but I get some wonders.

Just in case: What is the purpose of this? It's to form a code number from several elements.


Please explain why it takes 4 bytes:

and how many bytes do you expect to get from that thing?
how many bytes do you expect to get from that thing?

19 bits -> fits in 3 bytes.

Even if there's some sort of alignment there, it's 20 bytes, would fit into 3 bytes. I don't understand what's going on ...

Oh. My pattern is torn.