Questions from a "dummy" - page 182


Folks, who's oriented on the question: inclusion of header files in a C++ project (all classes are embedded, i.e. have no cpp file)?

Ideally, make the inclusion so that everything is visible from everywhere.


How can I programmatically determine that stops cannot be placed on the market only when an order is modified?


I can't figure out why the Print function outputs 0 instead of 40?

The attentive reader of the documentation will notice that:

SetDeviationInPoints - Sets the allowable slippage.

RequestDeviation - Gets the maximum deviation from the requested price used in the last request.


Help, I can't find any information anywhere.

How can I find out the weighted average opening price of a position after several trades? PriceOpen() from CPositionInfo shows the price of the first trade, but I need the current price, obtained after several trades.

The weighted average is what it shows. And what could be the opening price of a position?
When compiling the EA, there is a warning:
possible loss of data due to type conversion
int DIGITS=SymbolInfoInteger(SymbolInfoInteger(_Symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS);что не так? По идее SYMBOL_DIGITS есть переменная типа int

Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Приведение типов
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Приведение типов
Основы языка / Типы данных / Приведение типов - Документация по MQL5

When you compile the Expert Advisor, you get a warning:
possible loss of data due to type conversion

1. why SymbolInfoInteger(SymbolInfoInteger twice ?

2. What type of value does SymbolInfoInteger() return according to the Reference Manual?


3. See type listing


Why does the Print function print 0?

//|                                               test_deviation.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                     |
#property copyright "Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"

#include <Trade\SymbolInfo.mqh>
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   CSymbolInfo symbol_info;
Документация по MQL5: Общие функции / Print
Документация по MQL5: Общие функции / Print
Общие функции / Print - Документация по MQL5

Why does the Print function print 0? The MarginMaintenance() method just returns the value SYMBOL_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE.
This is a characteristic of futures contracts and does not apply to forex instruments.